
[Blue Archive] Costume implications

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BUR #25515 is pending approval.

create implication airi_(band)_(blue_archive) -> airi_(blue_archive)
create implication kazusa_(band)_(blue_archive) -> kazusa_(blue_archive)
create implication natsu_(band)_(blue_archive) -> natsu_(blue_archive)
create implication yoshimi_(band)_(blue_archive) -> yoshimi_(blue_archive)

After-school sweets club’s band costumes.
Airi is on keyboard, Kazusa is on bass guitar and vocal, Natsu is on drums, and Yoshimi is on electric guitar.

They first appeared in the 5th PV, and a standing illusts were recently released.

The details of their outfits are different, but they are all wearing white t-shirts with their band's logo printed on them.


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