
Tag for flying sweatdrops

Posted under General

Well if you call it flying_sweatdrop, chances are someone down the line is going to apply to have it implicated to sweatdrop. It would be good to get a concrete explanation of their purpose to show people it's different. It seems to me almost as if they're a milder version of /\/\/\, although I still think they are sweatdrops.
post #1006972 also has them.

They're nothing like /\/\/\. That's used for shock or surprise, a sharp moment when something is realized or noticed.

These sweatdrops are used more like a sign of being nervous or uneasy. The character Cyberia-Mix linked, Sakurai Izumi, has them at practically all times, being an extremely nervous and uneasy character.

It's pretty similar to sweatdrop, but it's visually distinct from it, which should probably qualify it for it's own tag. I don't think an implication to sweat drop would hurt much, though.

To me there's no overlap that would make me want to use an existing tag.

  • /\/\/\ expresses surprise or shock,
  • sweatdrop, the figurative way (blue drop), is basically an emote telling that the character thinks a situation is stupid or bothersome,
  • sweatdrop, the literal and less common way, expresses nervousness or fear (also tagged sweat when heavy), or also used when there's no purpose at all and we just assume it's sweat rather than water,
  • flying_sweatdrop expresses embarrassment.


EDIT: I think I'll agree with the implication in the end just because sweatdrop is a huge tag.


Cyberia-Mix said:

  • sweatdrop, the figurative way (blue drop), is basically an emote telling that the character thinks a situation is stupid or bothersome,
  • sweatdrop, the literal and less common way, expresses nervousness or fear (also tagged sweat when heavy), or also used when there's no purpose at all and we just assume it's sweat rather than water

IMO, sweatdrop should only be used for the former. Anything else (regardless of how heavy) should be sweat.