
Tag alias/implication discussion

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Kayako said:
That doesn't surprise me, he's also a serial tagme-er. I haven't seen him upload anything he actually tagged himself.

Just saying.


Well, when I post lots of 20 or 30 pics, I often put the artist, copyright and little details, I will put more of them from now ;)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it agreed on that x-ray would only pertain to images that actually featured an x-ray (as in the object), while we'd use crosssection for images which showed the inside of a person (without the use of an x-ray)? I seem to recall seeing that somewhere....

Kayako said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it agreed on that x-ray would only pertain to images that actually featured an x-ray (as in the object), while we'd use crosssection for images which showed the inside of a person (without the use of an x-ray)? I seem to recall seeing that somewhere....

forum #7886?

Apparently no one knows what a bonnet is.

Bonnets are tied underneath your chin. You generally won't see them worn outside gothloli fashion. Shinku wears a bonnet.

Maids wear a headdress (or at least this is the term the Japanese use, I'm not sure if there's really an English equivalent). It's basically a hairband with frills. I think a headdress tag is kinda pointless since it's mostly synonymous with maid, but it seems to be used irregularly.

A hat, no matter how frilly it is, is not necessarily a bonnet. Yakumo Yukari's hat specifically is not a bonnet.

There seems to be something wrong with the gray-grey-silver alias. they're currently like this:

gray_hair -> grey_hair
grey hair -> silver_hair

I think that the first one should be replaced with:

gray_hair -> silver_hair

I agree. Although the gray_hair (or grey_hair) -> silver_hair alias could also be up for debate, because there's a distinct difference between silver hair (by design, sepiroth) and gray hair (due to age, colonel sanders).

But since approximately 99% of people who use "gray_hair" really mean "silver_hair", I understand the alias.

Asking about a few aliases I'm thinking of making...

transform -> transformation
henshin -> transformation

There is an alias already for "transformationsequence -> henshin", so it seems it won't let me add an alias from henshin to transformation. All of these seem to be used synonymously, though, and it seems it is standard on Danbooru to stick with English terms whenever possible.


ringlets -> drill_hair

I was going to suggest this one, since it seems these two tags are used synonymously on Danbooru but "drill_hair" is used more often. Wanted to see what others thought on this.

I don't think henshin should be an alias for transformation, it's really more of a specific kind of transformation and transformation is imo a much broader field. I'd say it should be an implication, but all those tags are so underpopulated that such an implication probably wouldn't be approved. It'd probably be best just to manually edit the tags, transform has only 4 images to begin with.

NWF_Renim said:
I don't think henshin should be an alias for transformation, it's really more of a specific kind of transformation and transformation is imo a much broader field.

In what way is it a specific kind of transformation? I was under the impression that the Japanese word "henshin" (変身) means "transformation", so it would be no different than other aliases that are already in Danbooru from Japanese to English translation, like "mizugi" to "swimsuit". At very least, the use of "henshin" and "transformation" in tags currently is highly synonymous anyway. I don't really see the point of it being an implication rather than an alias.

I'd typically imagine that "henshin" would only be used to categorize transformation sequences of heroes (or similiar character), while transformation itself could cover anything that is transforming. Transformation could be anything (so long as it depicts the change) from guys turning into girls, girls turning into futanari, cars turning into robots, adults turning into children, etc.

Putting henshin as a alias in my opinion would simply result in the loss of a potentially useful tag that could assist in being able to better distinguish and search between transformation types, if the tags were utilized more. Just because the tags are underutilized today doesn't mean they will tomorrow.

persona_2/persona_3/persona_4 -> persona implication. This doesn't seem like a useful implication because aside from some cross-references these games don't really share any characters.

Actually, the personae/demons are pretty much present in almost all SMT games, but yeah, they are almost all the same in every game. Igor is also a recurring character in all of them, and P3/P4 seems to be getting quite a bit of crossover art.

Some time ago, albert, you mentioned that those kind of implications were useless and I think you were on to something.
For one, like you said, shows and games from the same series may not have anything to do with each other so it's pointless to group them together unless it's a crossover. And secondly it makes it confusing to know what tag should refer to the original Gundam or the original Macross.
The Megami Tensei series is the perfect example of stuff like this that can go horribly wrong. If you accept that indirect spin-offs and sequels that don't have anything to do with the previous games or shows like Gundam or Final Fantasy and such then these kinds of implications would have to be accepted:

persona_3 -> persona
persona -> shin_megami_tensei
shin_megami_tensei -> megami_tensei

It's a fucking mess. Made worse by the fact that there were previous games called Persona (Persona 1), Shin Megami Tensei and the original Megami Tensei.

Except that there IS a bunch of crossover and even more potential stuff, there is no P1 art whatsoever and if it were, it'd be simply enough to tag it as "Persona_1", and there's no particular need to link it with Digital Devil Saga or Shin Megami Tensei anyway.

Frankly, it seems you're just looking for problems that MAY arise if things were different. They aren't.

No, these problems already exist. Just look at final_fantasy_tactics_a2. Do we really need all those final_fantasy_whatever implications? And if I want to see only stuff of the original FFT I'll have to search for "final_fantasy_tactics -final_fantasy_tactics_advance". And for FFTA I'll have to search for "final_fantasy_tactics_advance -final_fantasy_tactics_a2". The only thing they do is waste time, one implication to final_fantasy would suffice.
It's the same deal for persona, it would link to megami_tensei, but really, there would be no point to that. Danbooru is a place to find images, not an encyclopedia, copyrights don't need to be as neatly subdivided, they just have to be practical enough that one can find images regarding each copyright easily and unambiguously. At least that's what I think.

About the crossovers, you can just search for "persona_3 persona_4" or "persona_3 crossover" or whatever. It's not like Final Fantasy where there are possible crossovers for 10+ games and a final_fantasy tag is justified.


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