
[bulk] Ice cream implications

Posted under Tags

create implication soft_serve -> ice_cream
create implication vanilla_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication strawberry_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication chocolate_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication chocolate_mint_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication neapolitan_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication ice_cream_float -> ice_cream
create implication ice_cream_cone_spill -> ice_cream
create implication ice_cream_cone_spill -> ice_cream_cone
create implication waffle_cone -> ice_cream_cone
create implication ice_cream_sandwich -> ice_cream
create implication ice_cream_cake -> ice_cream
create implication yellow_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication purple_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication green_ice_cream -> ice_cream
create implication blue_ice_cream -> ice_cream

Link to request

I was honestly surprised none of these existed already.


forum #23214 (6yrs before) forum #74010 (3yrs before)

however, there is really no "hard minimum". i would guess the mods trying to say is the "more preferred" minimum.

there are also cases, when requests way below minimum get accepted for a variety of reasons. this usually happens on bulk requests (or lists before) like goliath_tracked_mine. or anti-tank_grenade (spelling), toomine_ririsu (romanization), or when a particular tag has been used in different names in the past like harrier_jump_jet.

in the end, nothing to worry. we, the users, make requests; the community members oppose or concur; then admin approves or rejects.

iridescent_slime said:

Is 50 really the hard minimum for the number of posts before an implication/alias can take place? I didn't see anything in any of the sticky threads.

It's not, basically every week at least one alias with <50 posts gets approved.