
symbol-shaped pupils vs. symbols in pupils

Posted under Tags

According to the wiki for heart-shaped pupils, "This doesn't apply if there are hearts within the pupils". But in practice, there are plenty of examples of exactly that within the first page of results: post #3105644, post #3105629, post #3105255, post #3104675, post #3104671. This has come up before in topic #6921 ("Non-pupil hearts in eyes") and topic #10373 ("Symbols in eyes that are not symbol-shaped_pupils"). From that second topic, we have the symbol_in_eye tag, but it's underpopulated, whereas symbol-shaped pupils has 31k, of which heart-shaped pupils covers almost 20k.

Looking at some of star-shaped pupils, the same thing occurs: post #3098958 (star in pupil), post #3105020 (star in pupil, even if the pupil isn't as clearly defined), post #3092341 (star in pupil and jutting out).

Barring a huge tag gardening effort, I think the most reasonable solution would be to expand the definition of symbol-shaped pupils and its subsets to include symbols in pupils, since they're being widely used that way already.