
alias astronaut -> spacesuit

Posted under Tags

BUR #17386 has been rejected.

create alias astronaut -> spacesuit

topic #1909

Shinjidude said:

If there is no objection then, could we have astronaut aliased to spacesuit then? Or if we'd rather, I can start manually editing them across. I think these other styles can be handled with additional tags.

Ok, nobody's said anything against it, so I'm going to start editing. If we want an alias, someone else will have to do it.

Nameless_Contributor said:

I don't think that should be tagged astronaut.

Since floating and spacecraft covers it then I'm fine with the tag removal and will clean out similar images later.

Only other question I have looking through the tag is if images like post #5210007 and post #2001549 should have the astronaut tag removed to avoid being swept up in the BUR.