
destroying headwear

Posted under Tags

BUR #21923 has been rejected.


deprecate green_headwear
remove alias green_hat -> green_headwear
deprecate white_headwear
remove alias white_hat -> white_headwear
deprecate black_headwear
remove alias black_hat -> black_headwear
deprecate red_headwear
remove alias red_hat -> red_headwear
deprecate yellow_headwear
remove alias yellow_hat -> yellow_headwear
deprecate grey_headwear
remove alias grey_hat -> grey_headwear
deprecate blue_headwear
remove alias blue_hat -> blue_headwear
deprecate brown_headwear
remove alias brown_hat -> brown_headwear
deprecate orange_headwear
remove alias orange_hat -> orange_headwear
deprecate pink_headwear
remove alias pink_hat -> pink_headwear
deprecate purple_headwear
remove alias purple_hat -> purple_headwear
deprecate aqua_headwear
remove alias aqua_hat -> aqua_headwear
deprecate multicolored_headwear
remove alias multicolored_hat -> multicolored_headwear
deprecate fur-trimmed_headwear
remove alias fur-trimmed_hat -> fur-trimmed_headwear
deprecate horned_headwear
deprecate goggles_on_headwear
deprecate eyewear_on_headwear
deprecate hands_on_headwear
deprecate hair_through_headwear
deprecate plaid_headwear
deprecate animal_ear_headwear
deprecate horns_through_headwear
deprecate two-tone_headwear
deprecate striped_headwear
deprecate polka_dot_headwear
deprecate print_headwear
deprecate camouflage_headwear
deprecate ribbon-trimmed_headwear
deprecate vertical-striped_headwear
deprecate lace-trimmed_headwear
deprecate two-sided_headwear
deprecate antlers_through_headwear
deprecate checkered_headwear
deprecate gold_headwear
deprecate headwear_writing
deprecate cum_on_headwear
deprecate see-through_headwear
deprecate snow_on_headwear
deprecate transparent_headwear
deprecate cum_in_headwear
deprecate head_wings_through_headwear
deprecate diagonal-striped_headwear

we killed legwear
we killed neckwear
the slaughter must continue

岩戸鈴芽 said:

That wouldn't improve granularity, just make the name different.

I have no issue with granularity, i have an issue with destroying a tag that perumably had an easy alternative to depreciation and larg-scale manual cleanup.


GreyOmega4K said:

green tiaras (nsfw post #6349145)

Seeing as green tiaras somehow exist I guess all hope of that is lost.

It should be considered having a separate voting for color headwear tags and non-color headwear tags. Particularly the following:

  • goggles_on_headwear
  • eyewear_on_headwear
  • hands_on_headwear
  • hair_through_headwear
  • horns_through_headwear
  • antlers_through_headwear
  • head_wings_through_headwear
  • cum_on_headwear
  • snow_on_headwear
  • cum_in_headwear

For these tags the type of headwear involved seems less the important concept than the action or other object impacting the headwear. Forcing specific tags for these is probably unnecessary even if you want greater granularity and simply makes it harder to find the general concept involved. At minimum these things seem like something that would potentially warrant a parent tag even if you do make more specific headwear tags for these.

There are only so many types of legwear that could realistically exist, but headwear could be anything as long as you can strap it to the head. And you can really only wear one type of headwear at a time. Please, for the sake of not having to create thousands upon thousands of tags, do not do this.

uohuo said:

There are only so many types of legwear that could realistically exist, but headwear could be anything as long as you can strap it to the head. And you can really only wear one type of headwear at a time. Please, for the sake of not having to create thousands upon thousands of tags, do not do this.

You can say the same about any part of the body. Have you seen the type of bullshit gacha game characters wear? We didn't make topwear or bodywear tags to compensate for that.

You can just put those under already existing tags. There are only like 3-5 different types of legwear while there are hundreds for headwear. Splitting up headwear won't have any utility. Just keep it as it is.

If deprecation of the color headwear tags go through, it would still be a good suggestion to lump some types of headwear tags together. Particularly tiaras, crowns, and other types of similar royal headwear under color tags like yellow_royal_headwear instead of having separate ones. There is already some degree of confusion between the separation of them, so splitting hairs by having independent color tags for each kind may just cause unnecessary headaches.

so.. genuine question. if this BUR goes through, what tags are planned to replace it? would we just be completely abandoning the concept of tagging the color of something worn on the head or...?

i keep thinking "oh, we'll just group all the different varieties of hats (e.g. fur hats, boater hats) into one big [colored]_hat tag"... but that would just be almost the exact same thing we have now.


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