🎉 Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! 🎉

On Approval

Posted under General

Roarchu said: What do you guys think of this?

I think you're proving my point about how wildly different opinions of art can be and why objectivity is not just an illusion, but a joke, and not even desirable.

Also: While I may count rarity as a slight positive for an image, that doesn't mean I count being commonplace against an image at all. I've never asked myself, "Oh do we have too many Miku pictures? Guess I shouldn't approve this otherwise perfectly fine image".

You're just going to have to live with that.

jxh2154 said:
I think you're proving my point about how wildly different opinions of art can be and why objectivity is not just an illusion, but a joke, and not even desirable.

Also: While I may count rarity as a slight positive for an image, that doesn't mean I count being commonplace against an image at all. I've never asked myself, "Oh do we have too many Miku pictures? Guess I shouldn't approve this otherwise perfectly fine image".

You're just going to have to live with that.

it wasn't about it being commonplace. It was about them being uncreative and blunt. And I mentioned that we had a lot of them because that's what IMO makes it a problem, if it was just a few it wouldn't matter. So I don't think what I linked was a perfectly fine image, it's bringing nothing of value to the table


but er, I guess we shouldn't change the subject. I agree that we need more janitors and I'd like to try to become one if possible

post #707505

My main problem is that I don't want to have to go to an appeal process for an item that isn't bad, but wasn't approved because it didn't fit anyone's taste.

A post like the above, as was previously started by a mod, wasn't bad per se just not his thing, and since that is the rule, I will go with that. I don't want to get locked out of uploading, since I have ten for ten, because of what I said above and I hope you can understand that I am frustrated and if nothing else, feel that I am being screwed over.

TL:DR ITS NOT FAIR D: basically.

I wish there was a system so that if the mods go by what they like, there would be a system so that mods could tag what type of posts they will see to approve, or something like that. or instead of deleting images, they are placed into a thing where they are made invisible and a mod has to either delete and explain why or approve.

Here's the thing. Danbooru is not here for your personal edification. If the posts you upload don't get accepted, so what? You have the images, you don't need to upload them here for any particular purpose other than general sharing of them. And if it turns out danbooru (as represented by the moderation staff) isn't interested in them...so what?

Deal with it and move onwards.

And yes, it isn't fair. Get over it.

:v If I am unable to upload things to a file sharing site that seems like there is a fatal flaw in that file sharing site and telling me not to upload things to the site seems to be incredibly backwards to me.

And I really don't think the mods are that representative of all of danbooru.

Anelaid said:
:v If I am unable to upload things to a file sharing site that seems like there is a fatal flaw in that file sharing site and telling me not to upload things to the site seems to be incredibly backwards to me.

just browse through, and you'll get a good idea of what's accepted, then you upload. It took me a little while too

Its weird though, since a lot of what I am uploading isn't being met with any derision in the comments and are getting a decent amount of favs, so I don't really know what to go by.

I don't want to have to play roulette with the system.

Anelaid said:
And I really don't think the mods are that representative of all of danbooru.

We are the only part of danbooru that matters.

The hierarchy of "people who's opinions matter is roughly:

<big gap>
<big gap>
Everyone else

Anelaid said:
I don't want to have to play roulette with the system.

And yet, you started without reading the guidelines or lurking to get a feel for what is and is not generally appreciated on the site. And you went and posted most of your upload limit's worth of images, thus essentially betting all but your cab fare home on 00.

You should have read the guidelines.
You should have sat and lurked for some time, so that you could know whether what you want to upload has a good chance of being approved or not.
You should have only uploaded two or three pics at a time, so as to test the waters.

You did none of those things.

Now, your options are as follows:

  • Appeal the ones that go un-approved in the Deletion Appeals thread.
  • If the appeal produces no results, grit your teeth and take it like you have a pair.
  • Do not make the same mistakes again.
  • For crying out loud, stop wasting everyone's time and albert's bandwidth with your moaning about your uploads not being approved. The system works, and it's not going to change based on your rationale. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

The only thing we need to improve the review/approval process right now is more janitors to review submissions, not an overhaul or backtracking of the way the process works.

Yeah, looking back on what I did, I messed up in a lot of areas that could have prevented a lot that I complained about.

You guys showed a lot of patience with me and I thank you for that. From now on I will be more careful with how I upload files and how I manage everything. I whined way too much over nothing and hopefully everything can move on with no issues.

To get the thread back on topic, how do we actually get the ball rolling on new test janitor invites? I like the idea of a thresholding system that alerts potential inviters to potential invitees, but I assume that Danbooru is feature frozen while albert works on Danbooru 2, meaning things will need to be handled manually for now.

jxh2154 said:

Impractical and a bit unfair;

Fair enough.

Certainly not enough to justify the time, effort, arguments and frustrations that would be expended.

How about a team for stuff say within the last six months to a year? I am thinking anything with bad_anatomy/bad_proportions might be something worth purging.

Roarchu said:

pictures like this post #707789.

I find yui's eyes too wide and low on her face but that is just me. Otherwise it is a cute image.

Anyway caught up on the rest of the thread.


Scarlet200% said: How about a team for stuff say within the last six months to a year? I am thinking anything with bad_anatomy/bad_proportions might be something worth purging.

It's really not worth it, not when moderation has been in place that whole time.

It's also not related to the issue of bringing on more janitors.

jxh2154 said:
It's really not worth it, not when moderation has been in place that whole time.

It's also not related to the issue of bringing on more janitors.

Well one last word on the subject to be clear. I was referring to contributor images not ones that passed through the queue.

Anyway enough off topic thoughts.

evazion said:
That's easier said than done. Just looking at someone's favorites or uploads doesn't necessarily give you an accurate picture of all their likes and dislikes. Even if you ask them directly, they'll still have biases that they may not even be consciously aware of. Not to mention that if you're asking someone what they don't like and won't approve as part of the janitor application, they're naturally going to say they're more open-minded than they really are to increase their odds of becoming a janitor.

We could at least try.

I have 402 deleted posts out of that 71 are rated safe. Explaining away the remaining 331 with "Bad quality" isn't sufficient. Explicit are actively being ignored. The janitors are within their rights to ignore content they don't like so the one way to even up the staff is by looking for janitors that upload and fav good explicit content.

I know some contributors who have good taste in explicit and questionable art (Gunflame, Photonlancer, Apollyn, VanillaGUI and more that I can't name right now). I wouldn't be opposed to any of them being promoted because I know if they are promoted they'd be able to make good decisions with their heads and preferences and not with their penises.

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