From the looks of it, bunny_girl is a relic from the old times when girls with cat_ears were tagged cat_girl, dog_ears dog_girl, etc.
and it alone wasn't aliased to bunny_ears because it refers also to playboy bunnies.
General: bunny girl
A "bunny girl" generally refers to a Japanese term given to a Playboy bunny, especially one who wears a bunnysuit.
But some images having this tag do not refer to the Playboy bunny, but simply a female human or anthromorph having rabbit ears, but not necessarily the other elements of the Playboy bunny.
The first part can be taken care of with bunnysuit and bunny_girl used for characters other than playboy bunnies is very rare. Those are nowadays taken care of with bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail. (like they should be)
General: bunnysuit
Usually, a "bunny suit" refers to the leotard/bathing suit/corset like costume typically worn by Playboy bunnies, also known as bunny girls.
This tag is currently implicated with "bunny ears," so use the following tags instead if the rabbit ears aren't actually in the picture:
* 'bunny girl' if the bunny tail can explicitly be seen, since this tag is not implicated with "bunny ears" as "bunnysuit" does
* 'kittysuit' if one is wearing cat ears
* 'leotard' and other appropriate tags for those wearing other animal ears or none at all.The following are aliased to this tag: bunnygirl, bunny_suit
The suggested use of bunny_girl instead of bunny_suit is a rather roundabout way that only exists because of the bunny_ears implication. It tells you to use a tag with the same meaning, but 1 less implication. It also doesn't say anything about bunnysuit/bunny_girl pictures with bunny_ears AND bunny_tail.
If we just remove the implication, we can add bunnysuit to pictures of all playboy bunnies that can be identified as such. That means, if bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail is/are visible on the playboy costume, add the bunnysuit tag and the ears and/or tail tag manually only when they apply.
That is because to identify a bunny_girl/bunnysuit, you only need to see one of those two elements.
bunnysuit: For playboy bunnies. A playboy bunny has visible bunny_ears and/or bunny_tail.
simplifies use of bunnysuit/bunny_girl.
Requires removing the bunny_ears implication from bunnysuit.
Updated by jxh2154