As the number of stories (pools with storyline) is getting a bit too much, there should be something to help with searching them. A single "touhou" pool search already returns 46 pages, and subtracting non-stories would probably returns around 30+ pages.
One way is to enable tagging pools like posts, with category-defining tags like "comedy", "action", "slice_of_life" etc.., similar to those manga reading sites or Another would be changing the pool page completely, including categorization and making stories easier to find; right now, it's only a name-searchable list, which is nearly useless for finding stories. Either method would most likely require a huge overhaul of Danbooru.
You can also make a wiki entry with the list of stories with categorization, and this would require the least amount of effort, though someone has to have read those stories first.
Aside, descriptions of stories should be better written; I can find plenty of stories here with only a name.
Everyone chime in on this idea; there should be a method I didn't think of.
Yes, I'm aware Danbooru is not a manga reading site. However, if tons of doujin been posted here like this, then at least make then easily accessible. Currently, pools are even harder to search than posts.
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