I'm a bit confuse about the these when tagging. I understand that a neck_ribbon is a ribbon tied around the neck and such but I'm not sure if it must include details that it is tied.
A neck_tie is explained as A long piece of cloth worn around the neck, or shoulders in the wiki but that cause me to wonder even if it does not look exactly like the frequently used ones(post #839683 for example) should it still count because I have also seen post where people tagged pictures with the bows and such as neck tie too.
But the main thing that confuse me the most is this strange clothing that is on the neck (post #607540 and post #843717). The clothing does resemble a bow or neck ribbon but no sign of it being tied up is shown rather it is hidden under a jewelry of somesort so rather it look like a piece of clothing that was just stucked there. It also looks strangely like a neck tie but does not have the traditional look so I am stumped on what to tag them as.
Is there a specific name for these? Or should i just stick with either neck ribbon,neck tie, bow, etc and just tag it as I see fit or just tag all three/as much related neck clothing tag as possible?
Sorry for the bother and I would be grateful if someone could help.
Updated by user 329668