

Posted under General

Just thought i'd post about a current project of mine. A few months ago I decided to mess around with the API of danbooru (and gelbooru). What i've ended up with is an alternative way to browsing danbooru and other image boards.

It's main feature allows you to load page after page without losing your current results, so you could end up with over 1000 pictures on the one page if you wanted too.

There are other minor features like easy access to advanced search options but there are much better features coming in the future such as:

  • Mobile Support
  • Right click menu for each image, would allow you to select tags of that image to search from.
  • Ability to login to specific image boards.

While it's currently only simple I hope you find it to be of some use, any feedback, bug reports or feature requests would be much appreciated =)


Updated by RaisingK

Isn't the "infinity" part something that sankaku channel has been doing for ages? The mouse-over information display seems nice though.

Looks interesting if it's easy to implement into danbooru 2, although there'll be lost advertisement revenue due to the ability to display a very large number of images on a single page. I'm personally against the right click menu thing because overriding the actual context menu for right clicking on HTML elements makes site behavior unintuitive. It would be much better to simply put all the useful things in the mouseover bubble.


Thanks for the feedback, originally the idea did come from sites like sankaku (especially 4chan scrape sites). I'm also aware of possible lost ad revenue, I would hope that it wouldn't affect it too much, if at all. At the very least to view an image in full view you still need to visit the image board with which you'd then see the ads. I have thought about adding buttons for donations to the respective image boards to support them, whether that be the user paying to sign up to the image board or a pre-existing donation page already setup by the image board.

I'll have to have a think about using right click or not. Currently I think it's the easiest way to give access to tags of individual images. I know I for one do browse around Danbooru by viewing similar tags, something which is not easy to do with InfinityBooru as is.