I believe forum #63990 touched upon how the various tags could be defined but it's probably a good idea to come to a consensus as to how to tag yandere_trance images.
i know they're a little awkward to be long, but i think they're so descriptive that people will unlikely misuse the tags in the future. the presence of hand/s to is retained for shorthand unless there's a better alternative.
hopefully, this will help in the cleanup and speed up the process. just my 2 cents. thanks.
i went ahead to clean yandere_trance and corrected some posts affected by the aliases. yandere_trance should be fine by now at least.
after reading forum #69049, i'm considering of merging *_face and *_cheek/s. the *_face could cover much the area of the *_cheek. however, are we willing to lose this granularity like the recent food_on_cheek -> food_on_face alias?
and im still cleaning hand/s_on*face and hand/s_on*cheek. i noticed i made a slight error in the alias suggestion hands_on_another's_cheek and hands_on_own_cheek should be *_cheeks. i apologize. however, may i request correcting the aliases later after the cleaning process? i'll post again when i'm done.
and regarding shortening "on_another's" i can only think of "on_else's". hand_on_else's_cheek and hands_on_else's_cheeks would save a couple of letters but they sound like butchered english. are they acceptable?
It looks like a lot of people mixed up "on" and "to" when tagging. Searching for "hands_on_another's_face chartags:1" had 6 pages of results, although I fixed those already.
thanks for the lift, i noticed there are less pages than before. may i request also the loli entry left in hands_on_cheeks be move to an appropriate tag variant?
yandere_trance, hand/s_on*cheek/s/face should be fixed by now, at least those available in public viewing.