
Some changes regarding flagging/appeals

Posted under General

1.) Make it so that the flagger is hidden from regular users, or only known to janitors, at it is now, I've gotten some flak already from angry users and it does nothing really.

2.) I think the appeal system needs to be redone, people are giving real weak reasons for approval, or misusing the ones that they do put up, especially "part of a pool." One possibility is just axing the reasons entirely

Updated by Hillside Moose

What if instead of appeals you could either essentially "like" or "dislike" a flag like you would a comment? It wouldn't create any clutter on the page if too many people flag or appeal the same image and it would be an easy way for people to show their support or disagreement with a flag.

It might be completely useless if the flak that flags get comes from a majority of users rather than a vocal minority, but it might also better support a flag if people can see it's not just that one guy who wants delete an image.

I dunno, it seems like people who flag would be outnumbered by people who want to appeal for any one image - not many people are bothered to go seeking flags to support, but anyone who likes a given flagged image, for any reason, be it justified or not, is going to try to dispute the flag.

I know when I go digging through the stack of flagged images, it's more to find images that were improperly flagged than to support properly flagged ones.


Maybe that's because there's nothing in place to support them? All you can do right now is flag an already flagged image again. And if you didn't look at them specifically looking to support, you could still decide to support it if you found it was appropriate.

But like I said, this would only be useful if a reasonable amount of people have the right attitude when it comes to flagging. I thought I'd throw out the idea anyway, though.

You are getting flak for holding a personal vendetta against ONE artist and their work; making up BS excuses for deletion like "Unfunny & poorly drawn" is plain wrong, especially when you act as if this somehow makes you superior to those who actually LIKE the work of Lunaris Fury Aileron. They were already approved, some a long time ago, and yeah some had negative votes; so do a lot of other things in Danbooru. A lot also have POSITIVE votes, not that you seem to care.

Yeah, we are calling you out for holding a non-Japanese artist's work on Danbooru in contempt; me and everyone else who enjoys the Touhou comics. If you are going to pull crap like this, you had better be willing to deal with it.

One of the portions of the terms of service:

The Site reserves the right to delete or modify your account, or any content you have posted to the site.
You will make a best faith effort to upload only high quality anime-related images.

You shouldn't take it so personally.


First off:

"Poorly drawn" is a "BS excuse"?

"Poorly drawn" is the end-all, be-all. "Not funny" comes secondary. If it is poorly drawn, it doesn't belong on Danbooru. Then, if it is funny or charming enough, it might - that's MIGHT - get a pass. And in fact that's why I didn't touch a few of them, although others may think differently because they are still very poorly drawn.

Secondly: A vendetta? That's hilarious. I guess you missed the other poorly drawn pool that was axed for being crap? The one that was Japanese?

P.Suzuki said:

Nobody cares what section of the world the artist hails from, only that the comic isn't good quality, funny or not. Art quality should be the deciding factor, and in my opinion, humor shouldn't even be considered.

Arrei said:

First off:

"Poorly drawn" is a "BS excuse"?

Yes, it is a BS excuse. When you cannot justify deletion, so you make up a weak subjective reasoning like "Unfunny & poorly drawn", that is going to get called out as a weak BS excuse for deletion.

Arrei said:
Secondly: A vendetta? That's hilarious. I guess you missed the other poorly drawn pool that was axed for being crap? The one that was Japanese?

And it is not the artist's work that Anelaid is getting "flak" for is it? If you can not keep up with what is being discussed, then do not bother replying.

Anelaid is apparently expecting Danbooru moderators to make special changes for him, just because he cannot handle getting angry messages from people who actually enjoyed reading the comics made by Lunaris Fury Aileron. He, and anybody like him who expect special exceptions to the rules of deletion flags and their appeals, are hippocrites.

Dogenzaka said:
Nobody cares what section of the world the artist hails from, only that the comic isn't good quality, funny or not. Art quality should be the deciding factor, and in my opinion, humor shouldn't even be considered.

Strictly speaking, we do try to keep our focus on Japanese artists specifically. There are exceptions, but they are just that, exceptions.

P.Suzuki said:
Yes, it is a BS excuse. When you cannot justify deletion, so you make up a weak subjective reasoning like "Unfunny & poorly drawn", that is going to get called out as a weak BS excuse for deletion.


"Poorly drawn" IS the justification. Nothing beyond "poorly drawn" is necessary.

As for your second portion... what the hell are we even supposed to say to that? That's so wrong I can't even...

P.Suzuki said:
Yes, it is a BS excuse. When you cannot justify deletion, so you make up a weak subjective reasoning like "Unfunny & poorly drawn", that is going to get called out as a weak BS excuse for deletion.

I agree to some extent. Personally, I try to write the reasons for flagging an image as detailed as possible. Instead of just writing "poorly drawn", I usually point out why I think it is poorly drawn even if it should be obvious (see post #848339). I don't know why jjj14 thinks post #1033214 is poorly drawn, for example. It may be obvious to him, but it isn't to me.

However, when people flag a whole pool, or 10 images, at the same time, don't expect too detailed reasons.

P.Suzuki said:
[...] is apparently expecting Danbooru moderators to make special changes for him

When I hear this, I think of some other certain user.


Regardless of how detailed the "poorly drawn" flag is, however, by no means is it a "BS excuse". The very reason we have flags is to identify poorly drawn images and/or ToS violations that do not belong here.

Of course, I fully believe there exist certain images that really don't need anything more than a simple "This is drawn badly" reason. Ones that are colored well or have decent linework but possess other jarring flaws may need more, but sometimes it should just be clear as day.

Too be honest, I gave some explanations for the first images I flagged from the pool, both in the actual flag reason and in the comments of that post, and in the comments of other posts.

After awhile, I felt that it was pointless since just about everyone ignored them when it came to the people attacking me.

I don't have a vendetta against the artist, again, I don't think he is funny nor is it well drawn, if it is a 4koma series based around humor and it fails to be a good VISUAL comic, or funny, I think its fair to flag it for those reasons.

I'm all for subjectivity, but subjectivity can only take you so far, it can't stop something that is shit from not being shit.


HOW are they poorly drawn? I do not see anything wrong with the anatomy, or the body porportions, or the coloring, or even the shading (In fact the coloring & shading is some of the best I have seen outside of Pixiv.). There could be an argument that the Finnish 4Koma were worse in all of those aspects, YET those are still perfectly good comics.

Is it because some of them are not 4 panels? Is that how they are poorly drawn?

And "Unfunny"? Really? Even at their worst, I still GET the humor of Lunaris' comics, and some of those jokes; the multiple Cirnos, the Shiki is a Kamen Rider W fangirl, the Cirno is a Genius; they are all funny. Not just because I find them funny, but because people besides me also find them funny.

Did that occur to you Anelaid? That just because YOU do not find an artist's work funny, that does not mean it is not funny to everyone?

You did not do this with anyone else's work. You did not flag a random selection of stuff on Danbooru. You flaged one artist's work for deletion.

And now you got angry messages about it, because you made people who did like the work angry at you. AND you made this topic on the forum, apparently a request to the owners of the Danbooru site, to give you special anonomyous status for flagging, and to limit the ability of those viewers who enjoyed the Touhou comic to appeal their deletion flags.

They are NOT poorly drawn, and they ARE funny.

You can argue subjectivity until your face turns blue for all I care, but as long as someone like me still lives in this world, it still comes up as your view against ours. And you should not expect special privlages because of that.

P.Suzuki said:
I do not see anything wrong with the anatomy, or the body porportions, or the coloring, or even the shading (In fact the coloring & shading is some of the best I have seen outside of Pixiv.).

Then there's your problem. It's got ALL of those problems. And you can't see them?

I'll take post #1047440 at random, which I did not even flag because that "chapter" may possibly be passable based on its gag.

Messy lines, especially on hair and torso.
Amateur shading.
Badly drawn bodies, with Shiki being all jagged and square.
Very bad hands.
Badly shaped faces, with extremely pointy concave edges.
Badly drawn hair consisting of messy, jagged spikes as is common in badly drawn work.
Rampant copy-pasting with all the listed flaws intact every time.

And as it apparently hasn't been repeated enough on this site yet, the presence of other, worse images does not excuse another image from being bad. If you feel another series requires some scrutiny, bring it up. Let it be debated.

No one's asking for any sort of "special privileges". These proposed changes are so people stop attacking all flaggers for deciding certain images need proper review, and so people stop flooding flagged images with weak appeals like "part of a pool" on an image that's not even in a sequential story. In case you forgot, Danbooru doesn't care if you like something, only if the image in question passes the quality checks.


Honestly, there's no real reason to be attacking ANY flagger for flagging an image. In the end, the Janitors, Mods, and Admins have the final say on whether the image stays or goes. If there's a problem with the person's flagging habits, then it needs to be brought up in a CIVIL manner. No angry comments on the image(s), no hateful d-mail, none of that.

Arrei said:
Then there's your problem. It's got ALL of those problems. And you can't see them?

Yeah, I don't see them; because you are trying to pretend they are somehow horrible. They are not. The shading is good, I see nothing wrong with the bodies, the coloring is very good, and the hair is "Anime styled" not poorly drawn.

Anelaid said:
Can we stop derailing this thread?

This thread was about how you though that the flagging/appealing system should be changed, because you started getting angry messages about what you did. Arrei has been trying to derail the conversation more than me; you made this about you from the beginning.

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