An apple core is a form of apple. Clearly, every image with a drawn apple core has a drawn apple. Both tags apply.
To be fair, knowing Danbooru, we could hypothetically invent the arbitrary rule "apple is only for full apples, apple core is for apple cores" but I don't think that would be necessary: apple_core has only 10 posts, anyway.
True, whole apples and apple cores are visually distinct, but "apple", basically, encompasses both. Not everyone who searches for apples is supposed to have that distinction in mind; and I don't think the search above should omit the last post for being an apple core. When you eat an apple, it becomes an apple core eventually, so it's still part of the theme.
[Argument B]
There are 137 pages with 2723 posts tagged apple, whereas apple_core returns only thirteen posts, less than 1 whole page. (numbers updated in March 04, 2012) There are so few tagged apple cores, they probably wouldn't even be noticed in most searches.
Assuming these numbers are accurate because the posts are well-tagged, and that someone is searching for apples but not for apple cores despite the Argument C below, they couldn't possibly even find a whole page with "noise", so they might just ignore the occasional apple cores if they are lucky enough to appear. (This point may have to be revisited in case the number of posts with apple cores grows dramatically, which seems unlikely.)