Saladofstones almost 13 years ago Create implication full_body_tatoo -> tatooThe former is a category of the latter. Updated by ShadowbladeEdge almost 13 years ago Reply Copy ID Copy Link
ShadowbladeEdge almost 13 years ago More like full_body_tattoo -> tattoo.While we're at it an implication for backpiece -> tattoo would be cool. Reply Copy ID Copy Link
jxh2154 almost 13 years ago Did full_body_tattoo -> tattoo implication.ShadowbladeEdge said: While we're at it an implication for backpiece -> tattoo would be cool.Is backpiece a widely accepted technical term for that? It seems like it could be ambiguous. Reply Copy ID Copy Link
ShadowbladeEdge almost 13 years ago jxh2154 said:Is backpiece a widely accepted technical term for that? It seems like it could be ambiguous.This Google search seems to suggest so, but I'm not an expert. Reply Copy ID Copy Link