Sounds good enough, based on the Mystery Dungeon comparison.
(However, pokemon_mystery_dungeon is the only tagged spin-off game for which there was a localized title to use, as pokemon_ranger and others have the same name in English and Japanese.)
Anyway, this would be the full code of the proposal:
remove alias pokemon_+_nobunaga's_ambition -> pokemon_+_nobunaga_no_yabou remove alias pokemon_plus_nobunaga_no_yabou -> pokemon_+_nobunaga_no_yabou remove alias /pny -> pokemon_+_nobunaga_no_yabou create alias pokemon_+_nobunaga's_ambition -> pokemon_conquest create alias pokemon_plus_nobunaga_no_yabou -> pokemon_conquest create alias /pny -> pokemon_conquest create alias pokemon_+_nobunaga_no_yabou -> pokemon_conquest
A search for pokemon mystery dungeon yields no forum results about this and fushigi_no_pokemon is not aliased to it, so I'll assume that the only reason it isn't already aliased to the Japanese title is because it hasn't been brought up yet.
I, personally, don't mind having either pokemon_mystery_dungeon or pokemon_fushigi_no_dungeon. Probably I'd choose the former (the current one), as people most often say "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon" rather than remembreing the Jap title.
Well, there's some inconsistency beyond that game, anyway.
includes the JAP-only game "Pokémon Card GB 2: GR-Dan Sanjou!"
pokemon_(anime) is English-based. According to the title cards, the anime is called pocket_monsters. (or "Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation", "Pocket Monsters Best Wishes!", etc.)
The 1st and the 2nd are definitely ENG. See the names below:
Gen 1, JAP: Pocket Monsters Aka / Pocket Monsters Midori / Pocket Monsters Ao / Pocket Monsters Pikachu
Gen 1, ENG: Pokémon Red, Pokémon Blue, Pokémon Yellow ("Pokémon Green" does not exist as an official name anywhere, but is a common fan translation of Pocket Monsters Midori)
Gen 2, JAP: Pocket Monsters Kin, Pocket Monsters Gin, Pocket Monsters Crystal Version
Gen 2, ENG: Pokémon Gold, Pokémon Silver, Pokémon Crystal
The 3rd and the 4th can be either ENG or JAP. As the official name Japanese names are more inclusive, with two examples being:
JAP: Pocket Monsters - Aka - Pokémon - FireRed
ENG: Pokémon FireRed
JAP: Pocket Monsters - Pokémon - Diamond
ENG: Pokémon Diamond
The 5th just differs by "Pocket Monsters" and "Pokémon".
JAP: Pocket Monsters White
ENG: Pokémon White
pokemon_(game)'s situation is... weird. As said above, the main games start with "Pocket Monsters", but some exceptions have "Pokémon" somewhere in their titles; the spin-offs start with "Pokémon", too.
All mangas use the Japanese title, or some ENG/JAP blend:
sorry for bumping after so long but i had trouble finding pokemon_conquest and realized it was only going by the japanese name. this has been discussed before and it seems that no one disagreed with it so we should probably go ahead and alias pokemon_conquest and pokemon_+_nobunaga_no_yabou