When the image is of a comic/expressions post or something similar, do we find the total number of characters shown and tag all of them, then count the chartags and apply the x_girls/x_boys tags, or count only the prominent character appearances/maximum number of characters per panel? (i.e. post #1072574; tag as 3girls, 1girl and solo, or 2girls [as that is the maximum number of characters shown in a single panel]?)
Also, are these tags mutually exclusive? I noticed that post #1007524 is tagged both 1girl and 6+girls, and was wondering what the rationale behind that was.
When I add those tags I go with how many I can see. Even if the same character pops up in multiple panels I still count them as 1. I think it's best to get more input about this though.
As for Shirofox's comic I think Anelaid added the 1girl tag for Sakuya being alone.
Yes, total number of (female human-ish) characters who are physically in the images (excluding character dolls, portraits and animalizations), so 3girls for post #1072574 6+girls for post #1007524
Another question would be: do images of a single character being depicted multiple times in the same frame/panel without interaction between any of them count for the purpose of solo and 1gir? Often seen in character_sheets. post #759637 for example. Because I know that we once made a rule that said that solo does not apply if a character is depicted from multiple viewpoints.
The wiki also says that dakimakura with front and back don't count as solo, which is collectively ignored. Does it count as 1girl?
do images of a single character being depicted multiple times in the same frame/panel without interaction between any of them count for the purpose of solo and 1girl? Often seen in character_sheets. post #759637 for example.
Alignn said: How do I tag Samus Aran in full armor?
Probably just the power armor tag and the name of her suit (e.g. varia suit) would suffice. I can't remember if the androgynous tag was supposed to be used in that type of situation or not. Either way I don't think using the 1girl tag would be appropriate in that situation.
I would consider post #1142542 to be 2girls since the doll is life-size and if you weren't looking closely you could probably confuse her for the real character. The solo tag though might be applicable (although I'm noting there seems to be a lot of 2girls solo images that don't seem right).
I'd consider a dakimakura to be 1girl and solo. They're really a combination of two separate images.