The number of tickets coming in for Danbooru 2 have come to a trickle lately, which either means there are no bugs left or people have lost interest. In an attempt to stir up some activity again, I'd like to propose a simple contest:
The top three people who submit the most issues that result in code changes will receive a privileged account upgrade. You can gift this upgrade to a friend if you want. Here's what you need to do to participate:
1) Register for an account on Github:
2) Log into (your current account name and password should work)
3) Find bugs and report them at
If you want me to upgrade your account level to test mod functions you can request it here in this thread. I'll probably let this run for at least two weeks.
As a quick reminder, some of the perks you get with a privileged account:
- No ads
- Search up to eight tags at once
- Your votes count towards a post's score
- Automatically updated tag subscriptions
- Ability to see deleted posts
Updated by user 358670