So with the new woop_woop tag there is confusion over whether or not to tag the source copyright with it.
In accordance to the discussions in forum #13791 and forum #39869 we should not tag the source copyright if it's a meme. So it's my understanding that woop_woop should follow along those lines.
I believe this issue could use a clarifying wiki post somewhere that could be used as a visible point of reference. Perhaps in wiki's for meme, parody, tag group:meme, howto:tag.
The real thing of it is that none of these should be tagged "woop_woop". Without the audio they're nothing but parodies of the actual OP, so they should be tagged Sparkling Daydream if anything.
the question is, whether that pose is actually parodying the OP or that specific video, even if it was originally from the OP. my reasoning here is that those drawings were done in response to the video, not to the OP.
sir_burpalot21 said: In accordance to the discussions in forum #13791 and forum #39869 we should not tag the source copyright if it's a meme.
I'm pretty sure that the point in those threads was that we won't IMPLICATE memes to their originating sources. Doesn't mean you shouldn't tag them when applicable.
The meme's name is another matter. Some on Pixiv and NicoNico are tagged "(σ回ω・)σ←↖↑↗→↘↓↙←↖↑↗" but that would make a horrible Danbooru tag. My vote goes to sparkling_daydream, which is also in use on Pixiv/NicoNico.
jjj14 said: I'm pretty sure that the point in those threads was that we won't IMPLICATE memes to their originating sources. Doesn't mean you shouldn't tag them when applicable.
How the hell is that any different from straight-up implicating the tags then?
The reason why we don't add source tags (or character tags for that matter; see forum #68716) to memes is because people hate the tangential noise they bring to the meme's source tag, despite how much the Danbooru ivory tower claims otherwise.
Hillside_Moose said: The reason why we don't add source tags (or character tags for that matter; see forum #68716) to memes is because people hate the tangential noise they bring to the meme's source tag, despite how much the Danbooru ivory tower claims otherwise.
I agree; if we implicate yandere_trance (current tag count 266) to mirai_nikki (current tag count 582), the tag count of miral_nikki will immediately increase by 29.6%. This is very distracting, especially most of the posts in yandere_trance just take that scene as a stock expression, rather than consciously referring to the original series.
I know everyone loves Woop Woop, but that ain't it. I agree with ShadowbladeEdge. Not to mention, the Japanese don't associate it with the Woop Woop song at all, they use it with Fukkireta. Woop Woop is far better, but it's virtually unknown and unused there. The drawings are surely in response to the OP. Even if they weren't, if a meme derives from an OP / ED I think we should be tagging that.