I recently made a tag + wiki entry for ahegao, after being unable to find an existing tag for it. Today, however, I stumbled upon fucked_silly, which is the same thing. Therefore, they should be merged.
The question is, which way? Ahegao is the standard 2ch/pixiv term for that, fucked_silly seems to be used more on English-speaking boards. Do we want to stick with the Japanese term a'la paizuri or ahoge, or should we go with the English one?
I think aheagao is more appropriate for tagging that specific face, while fucked_silly should be used for the broader concept of being fucked silly, and not a specific way to express it. For example, post #337036 would be fucked_silly but not ahegao, while this is ahegao, but not fucked_silly: http://blog-imgs-27.fc2.com/p/u/n/punpunpun/viploader803099.jpg
Having just know browsed through all the "Fucked_silly" tagged uploads (and having the limits of my sanity tested I might add...) I am unable to see a common trend that is not covered by a preexisting tag. Honestly, this tag feels a bit subjective...
LaC said: I think aheagao is more appropriate for tagging that specific face, while fucked_silly should be used for the broader concept of being fucked silly, and not a specific way to express it. For example, post #337036 would be fucked_silly but not ahegao, while this is ahegao, but not fucked_silly: http://blog-imgs-27.fc2.com/p/u/n/punpunpun/viploader803099.jpg
That's not the meaning of ahegao in Pixiv. As you can see in this search, it's used as a generic fucked_silly tag:
Based on post #514397 and post #538225, they should probably be kept seperate. If someone is being fucked silly, then that tag applies there. and if Robocop is malfunctioning, use the other.
葉月 said: I recently made a tag + wiki entry for ahegao, after being unable to find an existing tag for it. Today, however, I stumbled upon fucked_silly, which is the same thing. Therefore, they should be merged.
The question is, which way? Ahegao is the standard 2ch/pixiv term for that, fucked_silly seems to be used more on English-speaking boards. Do we want to stick with the Japanese term a'la paizuri or ahoge, or should we go with the English one?
Stick with ahegao. No need for localized terms where this sort of thing is concerned. Also, since other boards already use ahegao, it'd be better for use the same thing for conformity's sake.
Perhaps it's just as well you bumped this old thread now. I just recently took fucked_silly off post #54670 mainly because I thought it referred to that butt-ugly ahegao face I feel like blacklisting... Now I'm not sure which is which anymore. Just how does one determine what qualifies for this tag anyway?
We use Japanese tags only when it's a character, artist, or copyright tag, or when the Japanese term is ubiquitous & has no good English equivalent. This isn't one of those cases.