
tag aliases

Posted under General

All existing tags and aliases with or without spaces should have similar tag aliases created. For example:

Other tag aliases:

Of course, it would be easier if registered users could create aliases themselves, like on MediaWiki sites (Wikipedia et al)...

Updated by jxh2154

Eep² said:
Of course, it would be easier if registered users could create aliases themselves, like on MediaWiki sites (Wikipedia et al)...

Considering how often alias and implication job tasks cough up a major organ and die in the queue already, I'd be afraid to see that bumrush.
Besides, we already do come up with them, it's just there's a nice guy who pushes the button for us after the arguments die down.

**-> anilingus

Eep² said:
Of course, it would be easier if registered users could create aliases themselves, like on MediaWiki sites (Wikipedia et al)...

No, this would be a disaster, as this thread suggests and jxh comes around often enough that there's no issue here. The damage and mess caused by people making changes before (or without) telling anyone would far outweigh the small delay we have to suffer at the moment.


Eep² said:
snake girl -> lamia


Eep² said:
pointed tongue -> pointy tongue

There's no point in aliasing two tags that aren't in common use. It might work as a new tag, but it would probably overlap with long_tongue quite a bit.

Eep² said:
anal licking, anus licking, licking anus, asshole licking, licking asshole, asshole lick, lick asshole, rimjob, rim job -> anilingus

Rimjob is already aliased to anilingus. The other ones aren't in use, and it's not hard to remember to use rimjob or anilingus instead of those ones.

Eep² said:
animpng, anim png -> animated png

I think we should do apng -> animated_png instead. That's the abbreviation that is usually used.

Eep² said:
snakegirl -> lamia
finger nails -> fingernails
toe nails -> toenails
microkini -> micro bikini
thighgap -> thigh gap
anim -> animated
animgif, anim gif -> animated gif

I don't think these are helpful. I've never seen them spelled that way.

Serlo said:
We still use monster_girl? I thought we'd gotten rid of all the *_girl tags.

What gave you that impression? We have tons.

Serlo said:
-1, erect nipples really needs to be sorted out first; too many people use it for "perky nipples". It needs to be renamed to something like "shirt nipple bump" (I'm not good at naming, but you get the idea).

Agreed, maybe nipple_bulge to match bulge?
Although there are so many posts tagged erect_nipples that don't show a bulge in the shirt that I think they should be separate tags. Erect nipples for any erect nipples, nipple bulge for when it's under a shirt.

We've been over this before; exposed erect_nipples are indistinguishable from the regular nipples tags. All we get for doing it your way is having a duplicate (i.e. worthless) tag.

Eep² said:
Of course, it would be easier if registered users could create aliases themselves, like on MediaWiki sites (Wikipedia et al)...

We already have enough problems with overzealous noobs changing shit without asking, thinking they're so super smart and know how to run the site better than us uneducated plebs. We don't need a bomb like user-submitted aliases to spread irradiated, airborne super-AIDS to the rest of us.


Aliases are tightly guarded because it's very very easy to do large and difficult to reverse damage if you're not careful. We don't have quite the user base or revert tools of a site like Wikipedia to allow instant detection and easy undoing of mistakes. In addition many users are confused about the direction of aliases, or the differences between aliases and implications, so it could be a very, very big problem to let anyone any registered user run them.

This seems like the one that's safe to do:
create alias snake_girl -> lamia

Way to miss the point of aliases in the first place, people: to make it easier to find things without having to remember very specific combinations of single, double, or triple words with or without spaces, spelling/phrase variations, etc. Sheesh.

Way to miss the point of my reply, Hillside. While I agree letting just anyone add/edit/delete an alias (fauly of Danbooru, it would seem), that's not what I was replying to: the people who hastily dismissed my aliases because THEY don't understand them or can't see why they are needed. It's real simple: make tagging easier or people will continue to not care and just get more frustrated at inept tag aliasing...

Aliasing silver_hair to silverhair is just silly. I assume you meant the other direction.

But what about creating actual shortcuts for these and other tags, like this:

/blackh -> black_hair
/blondeh -> blonde_hair
/blueh -> blue_hair
/brownh -> brown_hair
/greenh -> green_hair
/pinkh -> pink_hair
/purpleh -> purple_hair
/redh -> red_hair
/silverh -> silver_hair

/hribbon -> hair_ribbon
/hornament -> hair_ornament
/hflower -> hair_flower
/hbobbles -> hair_bobbles

/ssleeves -> short_sleeves
/lsleeves -> long_sleeves
/dsleeves -> detached_sleeves
/psleeves -> puffy_sleeves
/wsleeves -> wide_sleeves

It seems like these would fit with all the /*bg shortcuts we have.

Well, a new thread might be better for this, but we're here now.

Toks said:

Aliasing silver_hair to silverhair is just silly. I assume you meant the other direction.

But what about creating actual shortcuts for these and other tags, like this:

/blackh -> black_hair
/blondeh -> blonde_hair
/blueh -> blue_hair
/brownh -> brown_hair
/greenh -> green_hair
/pinkh -> pink_hair
/purpleh -> purple_hair
/redh -> red_hair
/silverh -> silver_hair

/hribbon -> hair_ribbon
/hornament -> hair_ornament
/hflower -> hair_flower
/hbobbles -> hair_bobbles

/ssleeves -> short_sleeves
/lsleeves -> long_sleeves
/dsleeves -> detached_sleeves
/psleeves -> puffy_sleeves
/wsleeves -> wide_sleeves

It seems like these would fit with all the /*bg shortcuts we have.

Well, a new thread might be better for this, but we're here now.

+thousands for all, it would be so much easier to tag with these!

NuclearArbitor said:

any character tag with "valkyrie" in it should be linked to valkyrie

ones that i've found:

i'm sure there are others

EDIT: perhaps i posted this in the wrong place and i should be asking for an implication; not sure on the terminology here.

I believe what you mean to say is that that characters who are valkyries should implicate the valkyrie tag.

However, we usually don't do that sort of thing. What if one of those characters took off their valkyrie clothes?
Appearance-wise, they wouldn't be valkyries anymore. And most tags are based on appearance.

Also, you should make separate threads for future alias/implication suggestions. It gets very confusing to have three discussions going on in the same thread. (MarUsca and I should have made a new thread for ours, too.)

yeah, i guess implication is what i'm referring to.

i can see your point for vnd and p&d but the lord of vermilion valkyrie is defined by the clothing. i don't think i've ever seen any costume swaps on any of them although i've never played attention.

i was looking for a general thread and got ahead of myself and posted in here; i'm familiar with aliases replacing tags. anyway, i'll leave off.

@Eep² : just a few words of advice since i noticed you have quite alot of tagging recently. it's actually a good thing that you are adding gentags, but unfortunately you are also leaving a lot of typos (i would guess this is what the thread is about). so check for underscores and hypens often for multi-word tags.

after clicking the submit button, kindly check the tag list in the left if the tag count is only 1 or 2. you probably mistyped something, which is usually the case for 1-2 tag counts. do a little bit of research, use the wiki pages , help pages , tag groups , and the tag search function.

many of those you typed actually exist already in some name. you don't have to memorize every single alias but type them properly so that other gardeners/taggers can correct any mistake easier.

an example was jeanshorts in post #141656 . you actually don't have to memorize that it's aliased to denim_shorts but if you typed it as two words (with underscore in between), you'll know it was tagged already by someone before.

check also the tag history of a post and you'll learn a lot of things from other taggers too. and you may want to review your own post changes . check the posts you edited sometime if other people made more changes to your work.
