
Is it just me?

Posted under General

first. the posts doesn't have pages, the strange thing is that this only happen when I search posts w/o any tags or using tags like rating:safe (screenshot: http://puu.sh/25J9O)
it show pages just fine if I search w/ tags but I want to search w/o tags

second. I can browse just fine if I input the tags manually (example: danbooru.donmai.us/posts?page=2&tags=rating%3Asafe) at the address bar, but it still won't show the pages

third. I can't use the contact option so I post a forum topic instead

is it just me or everyone else is the same?

Updated by MyrMindservant

I am experiencing something similar. The paginator vanishes whenever I search two or more tags in a single query. If I add &page=2 (or more) to the URL I can view other pages and a previous page button shows up, but that's it.

I'm using Firefox for Android, in case that matters.

Oh, autiskamen meant that page numbers and arrows aren't appearing. Now that I check, I'm experiencing the same.

It seems to happen consistently whenever I search for posts using any query other than one non-meta tag.

I've submitted an issue.

Edit: Looks like it was just fixed.

Edit 2: Actually, it looks like status:deleted still lacks a paginator.


That also appears to be fixed now - the paginator's there, anyway.

You could argue that this is still a bug in my case, since as a plain Member I can't actually see deleted posts - so I get a results page with all the tags and counts down the side, but no images in the middle, and

[1] [2] [3] [4] ... [>>]

right under the "Posts" and "Wiki" links. But it's probably working the same way as the blacklist mechanism, and that always used to block things out after arranging the pages (so you could end up with very spotty results); this is at least no worse.

I don't want to make another thread on the forum since this one still covers what I want to ask so;

Is anyone else having a problem with some images during resize?

It's an error and says sample.

However if you view it back at original then it's back to normal. This could be just me or could have always been like that but I don't know so I'm just asking.

Yeah, at times the images just don't load until I resize them (some never even at all; I mean they can only be viewed as thumbnails...), but I was hesitant to bring it up since I figure there are plenty worse issues to be had recently.