
Pokemon trainer names

Posted under General

Are danbooru actually gonna use their english or japanese names? As now some of them use japanese and some of them use english names.

Example: gardenia_(pokemon) is using her english name but touko_(pokemon) is japanese when her english name is Hilda.

Updated by NeverGonnaGive

Generally, once any Pokemans character has enough active posts (around a page worth), an alias will be requested so they're searchable by their English name, too.

Note that there are instances where this can't be done, such as Lance_(pokemon)/Proton (the English Lance is Wataru_(pokemon)) and Yukari_(pokemon) (two separate characters with different English names). There's also the matter of Blue_(pokemon) and Green_(pokemon), but the male character also has tags including a surname (Ookido_* and *_Oak).

Trust me, we've gone (and still go) over these tags too often.