
Tag listing clearup: fixing broken tags etc

Posted under General

souryuu9 said:
I was able to fix one post using Mindservant's method, but I can't seem to find the post that's tagged with buttsnuggle. It's been aliased to head on butt but one post is still tagged with it.

I did manage to find it by manually opening all parent posts tagged with head_on_butt and checking all their child posts.
It was post #170119.

As I've said before, this problem most frequently happens with child posts.
Also, don't forget that deleted posts are counted as well, so check them too.

That being said, I've tried to do the same thing with yam and sweet_potato tags, but didn't find anything. Either it's not there or I've missed it.

Edit: @MagicalAsparagus
fatal_fake is a doujin fighting game.
See http://www.lights-maguro.com/product/fatalfake/
I'm not sure if that tag should be changed to copyright or just removed though.


souryuu9 said:
post #1378399 (shota) - crossing_legs should be changed to crossed_legs


Should ai_otsuka be an artist tag?

I don’t think so. That’s only for image creators. All musicians seem to be copyright tags, such as the beatles.

Regarding some tags from the second post:

bedpan is urinal_bottle (fixed)
daisuki-dessu was supposed to be the artist oekaki-daisuki-dessu (fixed)

hood_over_eyes could be hidden_eyes (some of that shoud be no_eyes instead?? also covered_eyes should be unravelled)
self-flagellation could be self-mutilation
magnus_exorcismus could be magic

posts with unique tags:

post #311342 (explicit) - crump
post #749858 - crotch_flap
post #1352736 - crushed - most posts tagged crush or crushing show someone crushing something with their fist. Is there another tag for this type of crushing?
post #1269302 - d:>
post #1138918 - dagger_axe
post #1172047 - deception
post #976307 (explicit) - degloving
post #394802 - derby
post #1359221 - detail
post #887081 - dies
post #335014 - dipper
post #1041032 (explicit) - dirty_talk
post #572393 (explicit) - ditched
post #1033797 - diver
post #584632 - dmilr
post #336512 - double_nigger - ?
post #263884 (explicit) - drinking_pussy_juice
post #156809 - drumming_fingers
post #107535 (loli) - duckie - probably should be changed to rubber duck.
post #419831 - dukhoo

Tag changes:

dailinn - this should be an artist tag
david_rabb - this should be a character tag
dessie_horstna_arls - should be a character tag
donko-donko - should be an artist tag. Unlike dailinn above, the artist's username on pixiv differs from the one in the source url. The username is こま野郎. Should this go in the artist tagging help thread?
dunkin'_donuts - should be a copyright tagThe following are uncommon tags but should be the same. dropper has 1 post, medicine_dropper has 2, and pipette (the scientific term) has 1. I propose moving them all to pipette.dubious_semen_source - 8 posts, 4 are deleted. Is this tag necessary?dynamic_entry has 5 posts, but there's already a pool for it. Delete the tag and move these to the pool if they aren't in it already? Or bring this up in the Pointless Pools thread? There's also 1 post tagged with barging_in that might need to be changed.

edit: when albert updates maybe the strikethrough will show up.


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