
Tag help: Physical sounds/words.

Posted under General

Well, SFX is a little too narrow; most sound effects will be in the form of onomatopoeia. I think it might be a good idea to include the speech bubble stabs Serlo mentioned too.

Punch line is kind of amusing, but I'm not sure it's obvious enough as a search term.

I'll throw out a few more:

(Ninja'ed: Seems we already have a tag for speech stab. Still need one for a more general speech interaction. Might not be a bad idea to imply fourth wall.)

BCI_Temp said:

Special effects are way too broad of a category, including far more than sounds.

Special effects or SFX in manga are widely understood as written words that describe sound/mood/visual in place of actual sound/mood/visual. Which of these you don't want to include in?

On the topic, speech_stab should be kept separated from these physical SFX because a speech bubble is a bubble, not words.

Sal.N said:
Special effects or SFX in manga are widely understood as written words that describe sound/mood/visual in place of actual sound/mood/visual. Which of these you don't want to include in?

The term for that is onomatopoeia or sound effects, not special effects. More importantly, and less pedantically, this tag should be capable of covering speech, like someone saying the word "old lady" and having it drop physically on the insulted character's head like a stone.

On the topic, speech_stab should be kept separated from these physical SFX because a speech bubble is a bubble, not words.

Okay, that makes sense.

BCI_Temp said:

The term for that is onomatopoeia or sound effects, not special effects. More importantly, and less pedantically, this tag should be capable of covering speech, like someone saying the word "old lady" and having it drop physically on the insulted character's head like a stone.

You dropped the "/mood/visual" in the quoted sentence. Why does it exactly have to be sounds to be included in a tag that describe physical words? If it's a word and it can physically interact with the characters, then it's qualified.

For easier imagination, some common SFXs that aren't sounds are 'anticipated' (ハラハラ), 'menacing' (ゴゴゴ), 'shining' (パー).

D'Eye said:
BTW, I think that speech_stab should be renamed to speech_bubble_stab (implicating speech_bubble) for the sake of clarity.

Except speech stab already contains images that have speech stabbing a person but not in a speech bubble (post #1245362, post #734341). There is one comic having it punch instead of stabbing the person (post #134039). Perhaps speech_jab would make it broader, while still conveying what it is covering (jab - A quick stab or blow).

I still stand that "sound" is too narrow of a definition. In my previous post I've pointed out some example special effects (SFX) that aren't sounds, all of which I've seen being solidified in manga many times. So it really should be solid_sfx if anything.

Personally I think physical_word/s is the best choice out of all the proposed choices so far. It just seems the most obvious when looking at it at describing what is being tagged without having to look at the wiki, which I think the other choices do not succeed at accomplishing.

BCI_Temp said:

And I maintain that you are misusing the term "special effect" which most people use to mean visual effects*, and furthermore that "SFX" in the case of onomatopoeia would most likely be read by most people as "sound effect," which would narrow the range of things that it could apply to.

For example, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_effect

Nobody reads the term SFX when talking about manga will understood it as visual effects like backlighting or foreshortening. It is universally agreed upon that SFXs in comics and manga are written words. Otherwise the pool Uncommon SFX should be renamed, and the Manga SFX Database which thoudsands of scanlators use everyday should be renamed too.

And what if a post with a solid SFX 'menacing' is posted? We can't use solid_sound for it, so are you suggesting we have 2 tags for this kind of solid words, one specifically only for sounds?

I don't know who or where this term is supposedly "universally agreed upon," but even the Manga SFX Database you linked doesn't use SFX to mean "special effects;" the about page says it means "sound + effects."

Just let it go. I'm not going forward with that as a suggestion, and it's wasting time and turning this thread from a suggestion page to a pointless internet argument over semantics. I'm done with it.

NWF_Renim said:

Personally I think physical_word/s is the best choice out of all the proposed choices so far. It just seems the most obvious when looking at it at describing what is being tagged without having to look at the wiki, which I think the other choices do not succeed at accomplishing.

I find myself in agreement with this. It would be easy to find via Wiki, intuitive when looking at the tags on an image, and relatively neutral in meanings since regardless of what it means, it is always a word. Plus it distinguishes between fourth-wall breaking words and depictions of soundwaves.

If no one can find a solid objection to physical word that would make it incapable of representing the class of images intended, I'm going with that.

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