
Comic uploads and deletion requests

Posted under General

About 2 years ago a scanned comic got deleted, because the artist requested it. Now the artist published the very same comic on pixiv for free, can this be uploaded? Other works the artist published at pixiv are at danbooru and it seems he doesn't mind that at all.

On one hand it's Pixiv so it's all fair game until further notice. On the other hand it's a comic said artist wanted down. I think all signs points towards fair game till further notice.

For curiosity sakes are we talking about mitsumoto_jouji? Cause I did remember reading here that anything on his Pixiv is fair game. (can't remember the forum id)

Kadoya said:

For curiosity sakes are we talking about mitsumoto_jouji?

Yup, you got it exactly right.

@Log: Well, since according to Albert the artist said that it's ok to upload his pixiv art I did just that. The artist's comment at pixiv about there probably being no hard copy anymore encouraged me even more. This must not get lost. I still pm'd Albert just to make sure.


Well, we can assume that Mitsumoto knows what's here. If there's no new takedown request I guess it's ok for now. Asking Albert is an option since knows what exactly was written in that takedown request two years ago.
Considering the recent development I think Mitsumoto doesn't mind older stuff getting posted, but probably not new releases.

Generally speaking, if an artist made an explicit takedown request, I'd suggest honoring it even if they subsequently distribute the work in some other format. It's not worth potentially pissing them off for a few images out of the bajillions we have here. Simpler that way.