Please help me wrap my head around this.
According to the wiki entry for two_side_up: "A hairstyle similar to but distinct from twintails where only a small portion of the hair is tied up into two tails, while the rest of the hair falls normally. Resembles short twintails, but in combination with longer hair."
And according to the wiki entry for short_twintails: "Two locks of hair held together with hair ties in the back or side of the head. Usually worn by young girls, or by girls with short hair."
Again, seems good. Short_twintails are therefore differentiated from two_side_up in the same way as twintails -- the two locks comprise the bulk of the hair. They're simply twintails, but shorter.
But then the wiki entry for short_twintails continues: "Characters with long hair can also wear short twintails. Example post #345073."
Now I'm lost. Doesn't this contradict the above bolded bit from the two_side_up wiki entry?
The example post for "short twintails in combination with long hair" (post #345073) seems to be precisely what is described as two_side_up.
Is there actually a difference between "short twintails with long hair" and two_side_up? Or is it simply that the "short twintails with long hair" clause of the short_twintails wiki entry is outdated with the addition of the two_side_up tag, and should be removed?