this one is actually based on a true story. Almost exactly similar episode happened once in one Finnish call game. the host of the show was really pissed of as there were lot of similar prank phone calls on that day. Heres the original vid:
Translation is sorta wonky but I'm too lazy to fix...this strip appeared before the ones I first uploaded, it's one of the first by this artist. I refrained from putting this up here mainly because of the language-specific joke in the third panel. What Remi says is ambiguous and can also be understood as asking if Sakuya is wearing pads herself, in addition to what's being displayed in the picture. That's pretty much the joke aside from parodying retarded Finnish TV quizzes.
Honestly, if somebody had come to me a week ago, telling me that soon I will be laughing together with Flandre Scarlet at Remilia's "No haista vittu sit" on Danbooru...
My father does not really swear much, but he once told me that one was a popular catchphrase at their unit when he was serving in the army.
roihartmann said: this one is actually based on a true story. Almost exactly similar episode happened once in one Finnish call game. the host of the show was really pissed of as there were lot of similar prank phone calls on that day. Heres the original vid:
What Remi says is ambiguous and can also be understood as asking if Sakuya is wearing pads herself, in addition to what's being displayed in the picture.
Tried to fix the translation to better reflect the ambiguity of the original. My English is far from perfect, so please tell me if I botched it.
And there is our first caller. What is in the picture?Hello, and welcome to a picture guessing game in which you can win 1000 Euros.No, they're not pads!Are those pads?Call now and win a fuck-load of money. Not for those under the age of 100 and Cirno who is stupid. Price of call is 85 cents/local call price. We do not accept unpleasant comments ... not for those under the age of 100.Well, fuck you, then.