Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Active Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Attack UP [III] & MP Gain UP [III] on Self for 3 turns (cooldown 10 turns) Description (JP): バレンタインデーの1日は、穏やかに過ぎていく 「見て、月夜ちゃん!期間限定のチョコドリンクだって!」 「まぁ…!ぜひ飲んでみたいでございます」 ごく普通の会話が、何よりも安らげるふたりの甘い時間 Description (ENG): All of Valentine's Day goes by peacefully. "Look Tsukuyo-chan! It's a limited-time chocolate drink!" "Well...! I'd love to drink it." A perfectly ordinary conversation, the sweetest time to relax for these two people.