Rarity: *4 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: Damage Increase [IV] & Damage CUT [III] Max Limit Break Ability: Damage Increase [V] & Damage CUT [IV] Description (JP): 「お嬢ちゃん、どうしたん? 道に迷ってもうたんか? お姉さんが案内したるわ。ついておいで。…とまあ、こんな感じや」 「むむ、なるほど…。ただ場所の方向を伝えるのではなく 一緒に行くのが優しさポイントなんですね…!お手本、感謝します」 Description (ENG): "What's the matter, young lady? Have you lost your way? Big sis will show you around. Follow me. ...well, that's the impression." "Hmmm, I see...Instead of just telling me the direction of the place it is a point of kindness to go together...! You have my gratitude, role model"