Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Active Ability: Magia Damage UP [III] on All allies for 3 turns (cooldown 8 turns) Max Limit Break Ability: Magia Damage UP [V] on All allies for 3 turns (cooldown 7 turns) Description (JP): 夢見た日々の証拠は、確かにこの手に残っていた 想いを込めるように、ゆっくりと髪に結ぶ それを贈られた日の喜びも、希望を失った日の涙も ぜんぶ忘れないでいたいから Description (ENG): The evidence of the days I dreamed of was still certainly in my hands. Tie it slowly in your hair as you think about it. The joy of the day when it was given to me, and the tears of the day when I lost hope. Because I want to remember everything. Note: Unique to Kushu Irina