shiroko terror (blue archive)
砂狼クロコ シロコ・テラー 砂狼シロコ(色彩) シロコ*テラー
A character from Blue Archive. Similar in appearance to Shiroko. Also goes by the name of "Anubis".
A version of Shiroko who remains the sole survivor of Abydos High School, exposed to Chroma by the Nameless Priests, which also altered her physical appearance. Shiroko would go on to serve the Nameless Priests directly under the protection of Phrenapates, until the main timeline's Sensei infiltrated the Ark of Atrahasis, leading to its subsequent destruction. In Volume 1 Chapter 3, Shiroko was summoned by Plana to assist in subduing Hoshino Terror, whose mental state began to spiral similarly to hers.
As of the end of Volume 1 Chapter 3, Shiroko has now been appointed as a member of the General Student Council, and her Halo has slowly begun to heal, now that she's since let go of the guilt of losing her friends.
She uses a SIG SG550 assault rifle with a SIG P220/P226 handgun as a sidearm. She additionally wielded the weapons of the deceased Foreclosure Task Force, but has since discarded them as a sign that she's begun to move on.
Voiced by: Ogura Yui
Original artist: mx2j
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