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How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

90sAnimeFan said:

Apologies if this isn't the right thread, but what relation should this post #3569923 have to the other versions of this work? post #3559890 is currently the parent.

Newer revision gets to be parent. See help:post relationships for all rules regarding parenting.

qme said:

Sorry if this is the wrong thread, just shriek at me if I'm mistaken. Is undertagging a problem? I notice another user seemingly cleaning up my mess because I miss a lot of tags. Is this serious? Thanks!

Yes. If a post is missing tags, it’s hard to find, which is useless. If a post has wrong tags on it, it will show up in unrelated searches, which is also useless. Uploaders are expected to make a good effort at tagging correctly and there are many helpful articles on our wiki. You’re not expected to be perfect, of course, and opinions vary wildly about how many tags are “enough”.

Someone cleaning up after you either means that your tagging is bad and you need to improve, especially if you use incorrect tags, or your tagging is so-so and someone thinks it could be better. If you receive complaints via dm or comments, work on those. Otherwise, just dm the user and ask for feedback.

Updated by DanbooruBot

The character denoted by the tag ai-chan's_sister_(tawawa) is typically depicted with shoulder-length hair (aside from her earliest appearances and fanart that's based on them), which according to medium hair's description makes said tag the appropriate one to use. However, I'm confused as to whether the tag is applicable in post #3191690 (second from right in the central panel), where she temporarily wore her hair in twin braids, since only the tips of the braids in question are anywhere near the shoulders, or post #3519328, where she wears her hair up in a side ponytail.

Also, Ai-chan herself is typically tagged with short hair, but her hair length appears to have grown slightly over the years so that its edge is close enough to actually touch her shoulders; does that make her exit short hair's territory and enter medium hair's instead?

Finally, does this character's hair length fall under long hair (how I see it tagged), or is it actually medium hair?

Updated by DanbooruBot