
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Giga_Skunk said:

Why was that *manually* deleted though? Couldn’t be because of the comments alone

There should be a red box that will tell you the deletion reason. Posts are usually manually deleted if they either break the rules, are way off-topic, or the quality is too far below what is considered acceptable for Danbooru.

post #7357719 - Don't get this one. Maybe you could say the blood obscures some details in the image and that detracts slightly from the quality? Parent is not deleted, but was uploaded without requiring approval.

MF144 said:

What's wrong with this post?

post #7354907

Western artist name; western-ish style; copyright that doesn't natively have an anime style. Might be considered off-topic, though the deletion of western content as off-topic is very inconsistent. The bright colours also bring to mind those danger-hair SJW type people, which weebs typically loathe, so no doubt that biases the image toward deletion – not that it necessarily should, but it will.
