
implication *_(cosplay) -> cosplay

Posted under General

I often remember to add the foo_(cosplay) tag but find myself forgetting the plain cosplay tag. Is it possible to make this an automatic implication, regardless of which character it is, or would it have to be done individually for each (cosplay) tag?

A foo_bar_(cosplay) -> foo_bar implication would also be useful.

Updated by Log

piespy said: Really... I thought it was a useful tag to have.

'cosplay hakurei_reimu' = hakurei_reimu_(cosplay)

It was decided that people searching on a character would also want to see cosplay of that character. I don't know if this is true or not, but it's what we're doing now. And they can always search 'hakurei_reimu -cosplay' if desired.

Though I know multi-tag searching isn't enabled for everyone.

Well, but it's useful for distinguishing cosplayer and cosplayee. For example, Ohno does lots of cosplay, so if I want to find other characters cosplaying as Ohno and search for "ohno_kanako cosplay", I get 29 pics of Ohno cosplaying, and 1 pic of Ohno being cosplayed. Whereas ohno_kanako_(cosplay) gets me exactly what I want.

It's not like I'm married to tagging specific cosplays, and going through 29 unrelated pics isn't much effort. But the tag does have its uses.

piespy said: Well, but it's useful for distinguishing cosplayer and cosplayee.

I actually agree with you by and large and for a time recommended against the current system. But the consensus went in the opposite direction and so that's what I'm abiding by. ::shrugs::

I wouldn't want to go and change it *again* now, even if someone said I could do it any way I wanted. I'd rather just stick with what we've done. Consistency is important, and the current system isn't too much of a burden.

Every once in a while I go through the new cosplay posts and add foo_(cosplay) so you don't really have to worry about doing it yourself, for the reasons piespy stated but also because you can do foo -foo_(cosplay) and get hits for cosplaying but not being cosplayed.

jxh2154/LaC: I added foo_(cosplay) to everything after the rules were laid down for cosplay tagging.

Log said: jxh2154/LaC: I added foo_(cosplay) to everything after the rules were laid down for cosplay tagging.

I remember that, but I thought afterwards the consensus about not using the tags came out and you went and redid them all without?

The only set I didn't fix tags on was the uploads from the artist jilpoong17 because there were way too many that I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on in them, but the rest should be tagged, at least everything uploaded through now.