
Tag Implication: trap -> androgynous

Posted under General

I tend to think of trap and androgynous as somewhat different from each other, with trap being very feminine male characters (to where you couldn't really tell at all if it wasn't canonically stated or shown explicitly) while androgynous would be more ambiguous. There's a gray area where both could be tagged.

sgcdonmai said:

androgynous, to me, says "can't tell what gender this is."
trap is males who are otherwise very feminine, and reverse trap is the vice-versa.

To expand on this, someone who is androgynous could be a trap, but isn't necessarily, and traps are frequently not androgynous at all (they are completely feminine)

watarase_jun is a completely non-androgynous trap, while kinoshita_hideyoshi is androgynous, and occasionally a trap as well.

Reverse traps are more likely to be androgynous than regular traps, but they still should not have an implication.