
Tag Implication: mahou_senki_lyrical_nanoha_force -> mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha

Posted under General

...I would have sworn this was already in place.

This does bring up the fact that Nanoha shouldbhave a general series tag, instead of using the firs season's title as such. Of course, fixing it would be an enormous pain in the ass...

Would it really be that much of a problem to fix?
Currently, the whole set has /msln in addition to whatever further subdivision is applied, so each post related to Nanoha Project as a whole already contains what we want. So start in reverse chronological order and use minimal script-fu. Done deal.

Or better yet, if it has /msln, but no other copy:*nanoha* tags, add nanoha_project (or whatever it ends up being called; that's just the umbrella under which I've been organising them for years); if it has further qualification (additional copy:*nanoha* tags), remove /msln; add nanoha_project.

And unless I missed something, it won't end up needing much more clean-up than is already necessary to differentiate between the various parts of the whole after this process.

(Once again, it would be cool if there were constraints on uploading so the uploader would refuse a Vita /msln post without further definition (e.g. adding /mslna also or some such. Except, for reasons that I don't entirely agree with, we don't do anything remotely like char: -> copy: implications ever. :/ )

Either we we change the mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha tag to something else for season one and use that as the base tag, or we leave it as the season one tag and use nanoha_(series) or something for the umbella.

The latter sounds much simpler.

This is something I'd rather have albert handle, as the odds of the implications going nuts if I try to undo and resubmit them all through the standard forms is extremely high. It's a lot better than it used to be but I guarantee this will cause issues.

Did we just forget about this, or was this dropped elsewhere?

Fencedude said:
Yeah, we have to get mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha off of all the A's/StrikerS/Vivid/Force posts as well.

What about all the images tagged both mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha and mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_a's that don't have any elements specific to A's? Execute a manual cleanup, removing A's from all such posts? Either that or leave the A's implication in place.


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