
Pool #1830's deletion

Posted under General

Making a separate thread for this to avoid disturbing the other deletion-related threads.

While I don't really care about the posts in pool #1830 I think the deletion was wrong.
3 reasons:
- the pool's contents got approval from multiple people, even though several posts had to go through the deletion appeal thread,
- they're recent posts, therefore the're considered to have received approval according to the current quality standards.
At this point the regular flagging policy says you shouldn't be messing up with these posts anymore. You'd be meddling with the mod queue system and bypassing the concerned janitors' authority.
- the user who uploaded most of pool #1830's contents got his upload limit cut off by nearly 60% (from 14 to 6), for something he has seen being approved over time. That's just gratuitous.

Deleting these posts appears to me as something completely excessive and unnecessary.
We can easily find thousands of other touhou or pokemon posts, old or not, that would deserve deletion more than these ones. But the policy tells you not to flag them because it's a dick move.

I'm requesting all posts in this pool that had been approved to be undeleted.


What the heck? I know I re-approved post #792294 just a few days ago when they were sent back in mod queue. This action is unacceptable.

葉月 said:
Deleting as the rest of the pool was not approved.

I need an explanation and a good, very good reasoning.


To my knowledge, the precedent, as I understand it, is that the quality of other images of a pool cannot judge whether or not to keep the other images of a pool.

And this pool, to be fair, wasn't outright deleted like what happened last time, but put back into moderation queue. But I saw some were reapproved, so that being the case, I don't see why everything gets to be deleted.

It seems that the moderator who deleted it didn't like it for being generic and other janitors largely didn't mind one way or the other.

Anelaid said:
To my knowledge, the precedent, as I understand it, is that the quality of other images of a pool cannot judge whether or not to keep the other images of a pool.

Of course, the other side of the coin means that any images that a janitor feels are decent enough to be re-approved shouldn't get killed just because the others in the pool got nuked.

Granted, I can't say the pool's art was really that good.

Cyberia-Mix said:
We can easily find thousands of other touhou or pokemon posts, old or not, that would deserve deletion more than these ones.


Cyberia-Mix said:
At this point the regular flagging policy says you shouldn't be messing up with these posts anymore. You'd be meddling with the mod queue and bypassing the concerned janitors' authority.

What? Flagging doesn't bypass Janitors, and I fail to see how this constitutes "meddling with the mod queue". Also, is this flagging policy you mention written up somewhere? I wasn't aware we had one.

rantuyetmai said:
I know I re-approved post #792294 just a few days ago when they were sent back in mod queue. This action is unacceptable.

+1. Deleting a post for reasons that have nothing to do with the post itself, especially one that has been approved twice, is not cool. Of course, I really don't think the pool should have been flagged, personally, but that's neither here nor there.

Cyberia-Mix said:
We can easily find thousands of other touhou or pokemon posts, old or not, that would deserve deletion more than these ones.

Independently from the issue at hand, this argument is completely invalid. We know there's loads of junk buried that doesn't get prunned because we have more pressing matters to attend to. That in no way affects the bar for what acceptable content should be in Danbooru. I'm not sure what flagging policy YOU are referring to but about:unapproved posts addresses THIS complaint directly.

Cyberia-Mix said:
But the policy tells you not to flag them because it's a dick move.

Cyberia-Mix said:
At this point the regular flagging policy says you shouldn't be messing up with these posts anymore.

Where did this come from again?

glasnost said:

Oh come on. There are 5 or 6 janitors+ who approved posts in this pool, so it's really not a valid case of quality concern.
I'm not saying "there are worse things that could have been flagged first" but "these posts aren't bad enough to warrant flagging at all".

glasnost said:
What? Flagging doesn't bypass Janitors, and I fail to see how this constitutes "meddling with the mod queue". Also, is this flagging policy you mention written up somewhere? I wasn't aware we had one.

Meddling with the mod queue system, but derp, I forgot the word.
You're meddling with the mod queue system when you appeal a pending or already rejected post, or flag a post that you shouldn't.
I don't think I've ever seen something clearly stated about the rules regarding flagging, but from what I've read several times on forums and/or in comments, the first thing is that when a post either dies in the mod queue or gets approved, you're supposed to let go and stop caring, especially when it comes to flagging. There are plenty of appeals for deletion/undeletion but they remain exceptions among the whole volume of uploads.

Posts that are borderline on quality may or may not be approved, but when approved they shouldn't be flagged. The line was close to "I wouldn't have approved post X but now that it's here that post would have to look significantly worse to make you want to flag it" (and frankly no, among all the threads I've read so far, many of them being prior to my arrival, I don't remember where it was).
Flagging for a flaw or error is fine, flagging for the quality level is less and shouldn't be done frivolously but when you really think there's something fishy going on. Because having flagged posts deleted is never cool for the uploaders, and having them reapproved will just have given unnecessary extra work to the reviewers (again, not my words).

Flagging, in the case of pool #1830, bypasses other janitors' authority, because the posts have around the same amount of interest, and were approved by multiple reviewers. When flagging the posts for quality reasons, you're contradicting the judgement of all these people at the same time, which is normally against the rules ("1 janitor is enough for approval"), and with so many reviewers it's out of question that the approval of all these posts were all mistakes.
And I don't think it matters more at this point but having posts deleted despite approval/reapproval makes the bypassing worse.


Post States:
-approve-> status:active
-unapprove-> status:flagged (don't do this)
-delete-> status:deleted
-3days-> status:deleted

-unapprove-> status:flagged
-delete-> status:deleted

-reapprove-> status:active
-delete-> status:deleted
-3days-> status:deleted

-undelete-> status:active

Cyberia-Mix said:
I don't think I've ever seen something clearly stated about the rules regarding flagging, but from what I've read several times on forums and/or in comments, the first thing is that when a post either dies in the mod queue or gets approved, you're supposed to let go and stop caring, especially when it comes to flagging.

That's exactly what "unapprove" and "deletion appeal thread" are for.

If a good post dies in the mod queue -> appeal it.
If a bad post is approved -> flag it.

Posts are evaluated on image basis. When flagging a post, you think the janitor+ made a mistake by approving THIS ONE image and ask for a second opinion. This is not related to other Janitors approving similar posts. If multiple janitors like the images, then why didn't they reapprove all/most of them?

Hazuki couldn't unapprove those (4) images which were posted in the deletion appeal thread anymore. That's a flaw in the system. Posts should only become (temporarily) immune to flagging when they have been approved by at least 2 different janitors, mods, admins, but for some reason, undeleted images are immune as well. Since after 3 days, the pool was nearly empty, he went and deleted the rest. What he did not do was check if any of the images he unapproved had been reapproved within those 3 days, which seems to be the case for at least 1 image.


Cyberia-Mix said:
I'm not saying "there are worse things that could have been flagged first" but "these posts aren't bad enough to warrant flagging at all".

Fair enough, but if that's what you meant, then say that, not an alternative statement so perniciously annoying that we have a wiki page to deal with it.

Cyberia-Mix said:
Flagging, in the case of pool #1830, bypasses other janitors' authority, because the posts have around the same amount of interest, and were approved by multiple reviewers.

Your definition of "bypass" is not one I agree with. Any of the janitors could have reapproved any of these posts during the three-day float period, just as with any other flagged post. (Which is precisely what makes 葉月's redeletion of post #792294 after it was reapproved such a bad idea. Edit: S1eth's explanation for this mistake is highly plausible, though.)

Cyberia-Mix said:
Flagging for a flaw or error is fine, flagging for the quality level is less and shouldn't be done frivolously but when you really think there's something fishy going on.

This is certainly not a rule, and it's not even much of a convention. Flagging is done at the flagger's discretion, and that's the way it should be. Remember that deletion appeal remains an option even for flagged pictures, and if there are really several approvers who think these pictures are Danbooru-quality, they would find and reapprove them there.

My impression of the pictures in pool #1830 is that they were redeemed by the thoughtful selection of Pokemon/Touhou pairs, in much the same way that some comics with mediocre art are redeemed by the story itself (though I'm not up on my pokeymans, so this impression may be incorrect), and I think that in the absence of genuine art mistakes, flagging something for being "too bland" is like flagging something for being "too pink" (and who would ever do that, amirite?), but I don't see this flagging as being anything other than operations as intended.

S1eth said:
That's exactly what "unapprove" and "deletion appeal thread" are for.

If a good post dies in the mod queue -> appeal it.
If a bad post is approved -> flag it.

I'm not disagreeing with this, but as I say in this part they're rare in proportions because the site wants as little contestation from users as possible. I was hoping "unless they think they have a pretty good reason to make an appeal" was obvious enough for me not needing to make my post even longer.

glasnost said:
Fair enough, but if that's what you meant, then say that, not an alternative statement so perniciously annoying that we have a wiki page to deal with it.

I think I was clear enough with the next sentence ("But the policy tells you not to flag them because it's a dick move.").
There's an area between borderline quality relative to time and blatantly bad in which flagging posts for quality reasons is frowned upon because it's more harmful than helpful.

glasnost said:
This is certainly not a rule, and it's not even much of a convention. Flagging is done at the flagger's discretion, and that's the way it should be. Remember that deletion appeal remains an option even for flagged pictures, and if there are really several approvers who think these pictures are Danbooru-quality, they would find and reapprove them there.

I have (though I admit rarely) seen people getting flak for unwarranted flaggings, the worst case with a neg given for it ("impossible sarashi is not a valid reason to flag post X").

S1eth said:
Posts are evaluated on image basis. When flagging a post, you think the janitor+ made a mistake by approving THIS ONE image and ask for a second opinion. This is not related to other Janitors approving similar posts. If multiple janitors like the images, then why didn't they reapprove all/most of them?

glasnost said:
Your definition of "bypass" is not one I agree with. Any of the janitors could have reapproved any of these posts during the three-day float period, just as with any other flagged post.

When you flag a pool of 40 similar images approved (once more) by different reviewers, would you say all people involved made mistakes, some of them several times?
You're either questionning all of them at the same (which would require a very strong opinion on the matter), or attempting to redefine the quality threshold.

Also, how would I know why the posts weren't reapproved by their first approvers, without being them?
I can think of several reasons but how would you tell?
> You have to consider first that the posts are borderline. As such the approvers probably don't care a lot either way in the first place.
> Then you have the fact they're not simply pending but flagged. Pending posts are "approve if you like". Pending resent posts become "approve if you still like more than I dislike". If someone showed a valid complaint for the posts and you had no strong opinion on them you're probably going to let this person have his/her way.
> You have various reasons involving which janitors are available at the time the posts are resent, whether they still think the posts are as good as they looked at first, whether they even noticed them, whether they would have approved this couple of average images if they had known that a whole pool would follow, whether they feel cool with reapproving 40 pictures at once when they have no concertation with other janitors and think approving only a sample of the pool is meaningless.
> Besides, when images look similar wouldn't you think that having everyone reapproving each other posts would be no different from having them reapproving their owns? If you were indirectly told that you were wrong for approving stuff in this pool and are let with the possibility to reapprove the posts for which you weren't the first approver but which still look the same, would you do it?

You can't say that janitors are going to review the pool's elements independently when the statement instigating the flagging is "pool #1830 is mediocre and given the posts are all the same why would we allow survivors?" (forum #57520).

And finally you have to consider that the flagger is a mod, and not the laxest one at that. The flagger identity here is valuable to gauge how much the flagging reason is concevable and so how much you want to interfere.
So no, either way I don't think pool #1830 stood much chances of reapproval from the start. But what do you think would have happened if it had been flagged by a priv or contrib? I would suspect a reaction no different from what happened with rifyu.

S1eth said:
Posts should only become (temporarily) immune to flagging when they have been approved by at least 2 different janitors, mods, admins, but for some reason, undeleted images are immune as well.

I don't like this solution. Outside of the obvious abuses that happened with Seem I don't see why you would want to insist on deleting a post multiple times. It's just going to be sneaky (janitor who reapproved post X doesn't seem to be around anymore → flag again).
If it's so so bad that you think that, exceptionnally, the favorable opinion of 1, 2 or 3 reviewers isn't enough to make the post worth staying, you should just have a vote between everyone and make a one-time decision from the yes/no ratio.


Why should an undeleted post be treated differently from any other manually or automatically (contributer, etc.) approved post? Since they had to be appealed, they are actually more likely to be worse than the average approved post.
p(ending), a(ctive), f(lagged), d(eleted)
p -> a -> f -> a (immune) (2 times approved)
p -> d -> a (immune) (1 time approved)
p -> f -> a (immune) (should not work)

I also never said anything about a single user being able to flag a post multiple times.

I was thinking deleted multiple times from being flagged.
But since you're asking, honestly what's the meaning of a deletion appeal thread where the posts deemed worth rescuing aren't even safe from being reflagged afterwards...
Contrary to a contrib+ upload they already went through one deletion, and got reviewed twice. Sure they're most likely worse but at this point you're starting to bend the system and becoming harassing.

Anyway what I wouldn't like to see happening with the temporary flagging immunity is a single user or group of users who keep reflagging posts against which they hold some grudge until no one objects anymore.
Plus you're already forbidden from making multiple deletion appeals of the same post, even among different users, so I don't see why it should be allowed with flagging.

Actually I don't think time is even a good solution at all. That's like saying "post X was deemed borderline enough to remain active another 3 months before next discussions".
When would you need that?
Crap reapproved by Seem should have been able to be reflagged/deleted immediately while mentionning it wasn't meant to be reapproved.


I don't have the time to respond to every single point here, so a summary:

1. The pool was deleted because it was unapproved and clearly none of the mods felt like reapproving its pictures. That's how the system works, I don't see why you'd have a problem with that. I think their approval was a mistake, jxh2154 said as much, and others in the mod queue visibly didn't disagree. I don't care if we have "other touhou posts old or not". This line of argument is a very good way to earn yourself a neg, as per multiple precedents.
2. The remaining posts which have already been flagged I specifically brought up in forum #12295 right after I actually consulted flagging (not deleting, just flagging) the pool's contents. Because all of the pool got nuked otherwise, I killed the remaining posts because they didn't differ in any way from the rest.
3. We have actually discussed and challenged the validity of "once reapproved, it can never be flagged again" policy many times recently, exactly because things like that happen.

葉月 said:
I don't have the time to respond to every single point here, so a summary:

1. The pool was deleted because it was unapproved and clearly none of the mods felt like reapproving its pictures. That's how the system works, I don't see why you'd have a problem with that. I think their approval was a mistake, jxh2154 said as much, and others in the mod queue visibly didn't disagree. I don't care if we have "other touhou posts old or not". This line of argument is a very good way to earn yourself a neg, as per multiple precedents.
2. The remaining posts which have already been flagged I specifically brought up in forum #12295 right after I actually consulted flagging (not deleting, just flagging) the pool's contents. Because all of the pool got nuked otherwise, I killed the remaining posts because they didn't differ in any way from the rest.
3. We have actually discussed and challenged the validity of "once reapproved, it can never be flagged again" policy many times recently, exactly because things like that happen.

Except Ranyutmei stated that he re-approved one image when it was in the mod-queue and it was deleted AFTER he approved it.

JXH2154 stated, "Yeah, the pool isn't pointless, but the art is definitely bad. Unapproving is fine here but I'm leaving the pool alone." So I don't see the precedent to delete all of the posts, including those re-approved.