
Danbooru 2

Posted under General

I see what you mean, something more like how Wikipedia has "Go" to try to directly match the title, and "Search" to do a full text comparison.

As far as sorting by relevance, it's done all the time usually using a metric something like cosine similarity between the search query and the document text. Documents more similar to the query are usually considered more relevant.

This would be a nice feature to add, I think.

T5J8F8 said:
Also, I noticed that if an alias has a wiki, clicking on the "Full entry" link will bring you to the alias, rather than the visible tag. On the other hand, aliases without wikis won't show a "Wiki" option at all. Would it be desired for the wikis to alias with the tags? I could see a counter in something like my "wiki" for /ff, but generally it seems more convenient the other way.

Dunno if that makes sense to read, but might as well toss this in here.

zatchii said: Besides the current title:foo
::looks:: This is one of those things that should be built into the interface somehow (just two radio buttons, title and full text would do niely) rather than relying on people knowing it exists. Seems like almost nobody knew it did.

But yeah that's mostly what I meant. Thanks. Although I would still like for it to find precisely what I type, and only wildcard when I explicitly add *s.

Sorry to bring this up from the dead but I would like to make a suggestion, lock comment option. I'm seriously wondering why hasn't this been placed yet? They're already an ability to lock ratings and notes onto an image, why not an ability to prevent comments on a certain image? It would help cut down on stupid comments and/or fights over trivial things and would prevent people reviving 4 year old topic with nothing to offer. The only problem I can see this having are translators asking questions involving certain translation problems, but they could always use the note feature to ask said question.

There are only a few cases where locking comments would really be warranted, I think. And when something gets THAT bad I'd rather just have someone notify me or another mod so we can leave a "knock it off" warning.

You're also not supposed to use notes to ask questions, and that's less easily noticed anyway.

In those few cases, those could have been prevented if the ability to post on that image was taken away long before anyone could have posted something. I don't see how the ability to lock a post's ratings and notes is considered a good idea yet the ability to disable commenting would be a bad idea. Other than asking a translation or tag based question, Comments on anything can be looked upon as being generally unnecessary.

On the other hand, do we really want to restrict people's ability to say something about an old image? Sure a lot of it is inane chatter and necrobumping, but it's also not unusual for someone to post something relevant to explain something about an image or ask a legitimate question. Unless there is a flame-war going on, I don't see much point to locking comments.

I also think warning/banning the flamers is a better solution to stopping a flame-war. If a post becomes comment locked, the only way to ask or say something relevant about the image would be through the forum.

Mr_GT said:
I don't see how the ability to lock a post's ratings and notes is considered a good idea yet the ability to disable commenting would be a bad idea.

Well, for one thing, if the rating and notes are locked and a change needs to be made, it's currently possible to post a comment on the relevant post to address the issue.
The way it is, it's practical. The other way, significantly less so.

And, as Soljashy said, it's better to have a warning or ban handed down on flamers. If they were the type to flame, they'll probably resort to insulting dmails, trolling the forum, or rating/note/tag vandalism. We've seen it happen many times.
All of those things can be fixed, of course, but it'd be far more annoying to have to both fix vandalism and warn/ban an offender than it would be to merely warn/ban the offender.

Mr_GT said:
Sorry to bring this up from the dead but I would like to make a suggestion, lock comment option. I'm seriously wondering why hasn't this been placed yet? They're already an ability to lock ratings and notes onto an image, why not an ability to prevent comments on a certain image? It would help cut down on stupid comments and/or fights over trivial things and would prevent people reviving 4 year old topic with nothing to offer.

Let me guess - post #9876?

Suggestion: We have a disambiguation function when searching for tags with a certain string in them. Might it be possible to add a way to disambiguate tags when adding them?

Just off the top of my head, this would come in very handy for tagging the names of all those Super Robots who have their own show named after them.

Just a quick update. I've scanned this thread again and grabbed the ideas I liked and will probably implement for the initial deployment.


  • Note translation mode. Click-and-drag to create a new note box.
  • Note translation locking. When a post is locked, either prevent note edits by other users or notify them somehow. Should be timestamped so if someone fails to unlock a post it won't stay locked forever.
  • Move help pages to the wiki.


  • Require users to enter their password for some sensitive actions.
  • Ability to change your account name.
  • Ability to close your account.
  • Protection against mass assignment.
  • Eliminate password cookies.
  • Replace parent/child relationships with anonymous pools. Each post would have a related posts field. This would drive the creation of an anonymous pool.
  • Use a SSL cert for the login page.
  • Ability to copy all notes from one post to another.
  • Single post pagination mode.
  • Ability to pull related tags from the wiki.



  • Someone here mentioned the idea of tying tags to notes. I think this is the best way of clustering tags together on a post. I probably won't take a crack at this until after the initial deployment but it's something to keep in mind.

This is something that has been bugging me for some time and although it sounds like it will already be resolved in danbooru 2 I still want to ask it. (This seems like the best place to ask without necrobumping the mod queue post.)

Why does the mod queue have a special casing search link for posts with parents but not pools? I have found zero occasions where I care what posts are parented to a specific post but every day I wish I could hide/approve entire pool chunks.

I have a minor request/suggestion regarding subjective tags if it were to be implemented someday, but which could work with pools instead as well. I suppose it belongs to this thread.

The whole idea is about ordering the current subjective pools growing out of control by relevance.

Say every image can pretend to a maximum of 3 subjective tags/pools (or 2, or 4, whatever seems to be enough). The same way users can vote on images right now, users would be able to vote on each subjective tag attached to an image, when they think it fits.
Then you could perform searches on subjective tags and order the results by tag score (or choose to order subjective pools by pool score in case of pools).
That would be a way to find the most popular images in specific fields, and to avoid any clutter with posts that have a lower relevance in that field (read: pool abuse), since they'd be at the bottom.

The subjective tags/pools would be set by the uploader. In case the uploader didn't set any or left some slots, priv+ users could fill the others, but the ones set by the uploader should stay locked (the uploader keeps priority over other users). At any moment, the uploader would be able to edit any slots. If emptying a slot or changing its tag to another, the current vote value would be cleared.
All users can vote, members included.

Since members can only vote in fields trustworthy users have selected, abuses should be prevented well enough.
Currently trying to figure out if votes should only be positive, but I guess abuses would exist in both ways anyway.

I don't know how the vote data in the database looks like (I'm assuming a counter and some sort of long string of voters IDs ensuring no-one votes twice), but I suppose it should be light enough too with the slots limit (with possibly more restriction on members).

As minor as it can get, should it ever reach the roadmap, I think it can be pretty convenient to handle current subjective pools contents on a wider scale (being able to actually search for hot legs and getting thousands of ordered results, finding the most disgustingly adorable material without the massive clutter resulting of the pool's progressive degradation, without the add/remove wars, and so on).

Tag your image with hot_legs.
People agree, they vote that tag on your image.
Months later—hundreds of hot legs images by various users.
Perform hot_legs order:tagscore search.
Get that many popularity ordered results.
Woah, it's better than pools.


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