enkidu (fate)
Fate character. He appears in Fate/strange Fake, Fate/Zero, Fate/Extra CCC, and Fate/Grand Order.
He is depicted as a long, green haired androgynous homunculus with green eyes and wearing a robe. His "appearance of a woman" is due to taking on the appearance of Shamhat after she brought him into civilization, as a tribute to her.
In Fate/strange Fake, he is the "False" Lancer-class Servant of Wolf. He is Gilgamesh's closest friend.
He is called "best clay" or "claybae" by fans (a variant of "best girl") as a reference to his origins.
Designed by Morii Shizuki and voiced by Kobayashi Yuu.
- Fly Off
- Midsummer Moment
- Talk of the Hot Sands
- Ultimate Harmony
See also
External links
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